Death, Fear and Pain To Animals! Why are People Ignorant in Bursting Loud Firecrackers?

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Death, Fear and Pain To Animals! Why are People Ignorant in Bursting Loud Firecrackers?

Mangaluru: Here is the sad tale of firecrackers – Deafening crackers leave birds and animals in fear, panic and anxiety, death for some, while some are injured for life. Wake up dear people, let the festivals throughout the year be a joy for everyone humans being, the birds, and animal nature. But alas for our newborn babies and the sick in hospitals and at homes they suffer from the severe air pollution and deafening noise pollution. The speechless pets, stray animals, birds, cows, animals in zoos, horses and elephants used in ceremonies and weddings it seems to be the worst nightmare for them and high trauma for them.

Every year animal welfare requests and pleads with authorities, institutions, wedding halls ceremonies and the public not to burst firecrackers, stop the deafening drum sounds and bugle sounds, gunshots all through the night. The animal lovers have been crusading against the firecrackers that kills so many birds and strays on the road because they run in fear and panic. The air is so polluted too.

There are some who are so cruel they tie firecrackers to the tails of the strays and burst it. The animal gets injured and is marred for life. Animals and birds have a far more sense of hearing these sounds from drum beats, gun shots, or crackers that it instills such fear and anxiety that they run to shelter themselves, wanting the noises to stop. The animal lovers are making a humble appeal and request to everyone to be kind to the strays, animals and birds. They love you unconditionally.

The animals’ suffering goes beyond what most people imagine. People know that dogs and cats are often scared of fireworks. But these are just the start of the horror that the firework season causes for many animals each year. Birds freak out, too, flying too far out to sea, or breaking their necks as they fly into buildings in panic. Pregnant farm animals sometimes miscarry. The suffering continues out in the wild, where many squirrels and other creatures are distressed by the explosions. They abandon their nests and then are left so disorientated that they cannot find their way back to them.

In the days after displays, the misery spreads to the waters. Fish ingest the toxic debris of fireworks that landed in ponds, rivers, and streams. They can endure long, painful deaths. Ducks and swans can suffer too, either by swallowing the debris or getting tangled in it. I would argue that the vegan quest to exclude all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals makes firework displays a no-no for us. But surely if you have any sort of compassion for animals, you will stay at home and tell people why. What could make a firework display – the very epitome of the overrated, momentary thrill – worth inflicting terror, injury, and death on animals?

The answer is same for many forms of animal harm: the illusory bliss of ignorance. People who buy meat are not shown the hell of factory farms, or the savagery of slaughterhouses. Likewise, those who whoop at fireworks aren’t told of the misery the pyrotechnics can bring to animals, which goes beyond a few cats and dogs hiding behind sofas.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Lorriane D, an animal lover taking pity on the stray animals and also caring for pet animals said, “Owners please don’t cage or chain them. Make a shed or keep them in a covered balcony. During lightening thunder and cracker time keep them inside with you. Do not let them outside. In fear they run and get lost, end up dead or maimed for life, abandoned on the streets, sick, hurt without food and water. If you see any dogs, birds, cows or cats hurt or lost give them shelter food and water. Take a photo and upload on social media with address. If they are hurt take them to the vet or call ACT hospital at Shakthinagar if in Mangaluru and take them there for treatment immediately.

“Please take your cats and dogs within seven months for neutering. It is the right thing to do. It’s not expensive. We spend so much money on things we don’t use or eat. Do not throw the puppies or kittens out in markets, dustbins or gutters. Give them the anti-rabies, distemper and parvo vaccinations. Adopt Indian Desi dogs and cats and give them a chance to survive. They are tough and resilient to our climate and easy to maintain. If every religious organization, school, college and company could adopt five to ten Indian cats or dogs our city will be free of abandoned dogs. When we adopt any pet let’s treat them well. Don’t allow any kid or adult to hit the pet or any animal. Lets Teach our kids at home and at school kindness to humans and animals. Be kind to animals, birds, and nature. Grow more fruit trees and stop the cutting of trees, jungles and forests. Let them be free to live happily like you and me” added Lorraine.

In conclusion, “Let us fill our homes with prayers and lights, and NOT with fumes and crackers. Avoid the celebration which is not pro for ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, OTHER LIVING CREATURES. Come, let us celebrate Eco-Friendly Deepavali 2018. Bursting of crackers is not safe for the Environment and Health. Bursting of crackers near Hospitals, Old-Age Homes are strictly prohibited, and crackers emitting sound more than 125 decibels should be prohibited. Bursting of crackers adversely effect health and environment. Bursting of crackers strictly prohibited between 10 pm and 6 am. Celebrate the festival of Deepavali with Care for Life and Concern for Environment ”

“What is Diwali without the cacophony of fireworks and the thick smoke that blends into the air we breathe, throwing those vulnerable into a fit of coughs? Festivities apart, the Diwali season brings along the eco-friendly brigade that encourages people to ‘go green’ and stop bursting firecrackers. Countless people, old and young, have given up the practice to preserve the environment and protect animals and the elderly from the noise pollution. If we have laws about fireworks let the administration implement it very strictly, if not it will be just a joke. There are less harmful ways to celebrate the festival, they say, while others defend the tradition. Happy Deepavali- celebrate the safest way as possible. Thank You from Me and also My Pet Dogs, and also other Pet Dogs and Stray Dogs/Animals”.

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6 years ago

Thank you for the exemplary article. Most people only write about the effects to humans. Animals are affected worst.

6 years ago

Can we stop slaughtering animals for naalige chapala?

Pigs are pit in boiling hot water and skinned alive during the month of Dec. Is it not animal cruelty?

Sheep are slaughtered during eid. Is it peaceful?

I appeal all to consider switching over to veg biryani and veg curries and consume fish and eggs instead of chicken and other meat.

Be kind to animals. This Christmas eat Veg.

6 years ago

Whether bursting crackers affect animals only during Diwali or during New Year and Christmas also?

6 years ago

Did JR Lobo’s victory celebration by bursting crackers before election results were announced last year also scared animals?

Melroy C.F.Fernandes
6 years ago

Answers: (1) Animals(other than humans) do not have any religion. This is because God(if there is one or a zillion) created REGION ,man added a LI(E) in between and created RE-LI-GION. Therefore, bursting fire-crackers affects animals in the same manner whether it is Diwali, New Year or Christmas or Eid. (2) Animals (other than humans) do not vote in elections so it does not matter to animals whether JR Lobo wins or loses. Therefore, bursting fire crackers by JR Lobo’s victory celebration before or after election results , last year or whenever , also frightens animals and makes them scared(that… Read more »

6 years ago

Melroy, while you may be agnostic or an atheist, please remember that a vast majority are believers in God or the supreme being. I totally agree that animal cruelty is largely preventable and some thing like fire crackers are unnecessary. I do not claim that I am a vegetarian as such but I prefer vegetarian. I get repulsed at the thought of animal slaughter. May be it is demand and supply chain which keeps the slaughter houses busy. If we stop using meat, slaughter houses will not be needed. You may quote Bose regarding plant life. Obviously human beings are… Read more »

6 years ago

Drona, your points have been respectfully noted. Thank you. “Feed a man and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will never have to depend on anyone again”. I never do charity work or social service. Besides,I have no idea why I should engage only with those who celebrate Christmas. Like the other animals and plants, I too am “religion blind” and look at people based solely on their merits. ” Be careful not to practice your righteousness to be seen by them. ……. When you give to the needy do not announce it… Read more »