Former MLC Octavia Albuquerque (92) Passes Away

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“I had so much at home and I had a deep desire to share things. I had a socialist bent of mind despite living in a capitalist environment. This is the force behind all my work and this very thing has driven every aspect of my all life all these years”-Smt Octavia Albuquerque

Mangaluru:  Octavia Albuquerque an ex- MLC , a Rajyotsava awardee, and Founder Member of Cheshire Home-Mangaluru passed away on Wednesday 9, 2016 at the age of 92.


On February 20, 2016 she celebrated her 92nd birthday in a grand scale amidst her family members and friends. According to her close friends, Smt Albuquerque was a very down to earth and unassuming personality who was always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Though she was in her 90’s she still appeared to be so full of vigour, enthusiasm and always involved in her social work, which she did with great love and pride. No doubt, Octavia Albuquerque was indeed a remarkable lady.

Being the daughter of a Deputy Collector and later through marriage she was the daughter-in-law of the late Felix Pai Albuquerque, the famous tile business magnate of Mangaluru, Smt Octavia got the exposure and opportunity to turn philanthropic dreams and desires into reality. Her husband the late Cyril Albuquerque too was a guiding force and encouragement to her in all her activities. Unfortunately he passed away when she was just 54 years old but yet she did not deter from her set goals of doing good to society.

Octavia Albuquerque was the first chair-person of the Standing Committee, and was the first chairman delegate in the history of 100 year of Mangaluru Municipality. She was good and powerful speaker, a great social worker, a woman of strength of character, fearless and always knew her grounds. An active Congress member since 1960, she became General Secretary of the Women’s wing from 1964-1966. She was the president of South Mangalore Block Congress committee.

Albuquerque was a good administrator, and in 1967 she was awarded the Rajyotsava award for her social service, and in 1967, His Holiness Pope Paul VI presented her the Golden Cross of Service Pro-Eclesia-Et-Pontifice. As a founder member of Cheshire Home-Mangalore, she lived a life full of service. She has traveled mostly all over the world, and in 1965 she visited the USA on an invitation from a institute to speak on ‘War on Poverty’ in Washington-DC. She was person always smiling, and lived with dignity and discipline. Her strength came from God for all the services she rendered for the poor and needy.

Smt. Octavia Albuquerue has always had a soft corner for the underprivileged and less fortunate and her late paternal grandmother instilled this sentiment in her. Born into a well to family, she was quick to observe the widening gap between the haves and have-nots. Her political bent of mind was perhaps influenced by her father who was instrumental the Salt Satyagraha movement in Mangaluru She was instrumental in starting the Ladies Social Service League with a group of about 30 – 40 ladies of Mangaluru who used to visit the sick and the dying in hospitals and homes. She was the main backbone behind the establishment of Cheshire Home-Mangaluru. May her soul rest in peace.

Funeral details are as follows :

Smt Octavia Albuquerque body will be brought to her residence “Sea View” Albuquerque Tile Factory premises, Hoige Bazar-Mangaluru at 11 am tomorrow 10 March 2016. Funeral mass will be held at Rosario Cathedral at 4 pm on 10 March 2016.

For more details contact Loy Albuquerque at: 9448148224

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F M Lobo
9 years ago

Dear Loy/Rosemary, Moira/Ben, Dorothy/Hugh, George/Cecilia, Joan/Joseph, Marie Therese/Ronald , Joseph/Anne, Eliza/Colin & Anna Maria & all members of the Family, Heartfelt sympathies on the sad demise of your dear mother. Ottie Bai was known for her kindness & efficiency. She was the First Women President of CASK as also a Trustee of the Xavier Educational Trust which is rendering yeomen service to the rural youth by training in Technical education.We will always remember with gratitude her out-standing services to the under-privileged and the disadvantaged members of the Community. Ottie Bai requested us to play music for the Functions and always… Read more »

9 years ago

A great lady, a great MLC, and a great Mentor to her children and others-Sadly missed. May her soul rest in peace

Justin Saldanha
9 years ago

To the Albuquerque Family
On the death of your mother, grand mother who was a kind person, our condolonces. may she rest in peace.
Justin Saldanha
Toronto, Canada

Max and Jessie Rasquinha
9 years ago

Sorry to hear the sad demise of Mrs. Octavia Albuquerque who was well known to us. Her dedication to our society in Mangalore was magnanimous. She was an eloquent speaker, and she was an able social worker that reached out many in the society, young and old, of all backgrounds and religions. I have known Felixab for a long time from the time I used to work for Denis Pinto at Bolar where Felixab used to visit Denis Pinto often because they had lot in common. A dynamic family of Albuquerques have given a great deal to the society of… Read more »

9 years ago

Grant her eternal peace Oh Lord! May her soul rest in peace-Sympathies to the bereaved family members

9 years ago

Albuquerque family as they brought laurels to Mangalore through Tile Factories. Long life is a blessing from God. I knew her name and fame during my school days in Mangalore. We lost a great personality and human being Heartfelt sympathies to all the Albuquerque family members. May her soul RIP.

9 years ago

Heartfelt sympathies on the sad demise of Mrs. Octavia Albuquerque. We pray that God grant her eternal rest and may her soul RIP.- from Sisters Of Charity Congregation, Mangaluru

9 years ago

Heartfelt sympathies to all the family members. May her soul RIP.

9 years ago

Perhaps they are not the stars,
But rather openings in heaven where
The love of our lost ones pours through
And shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. Sadly missed.

“Nothing you love is lost. Not really. Things, people–they always go away sooner or later. You can’t hold them anymore than you can hold moonlight. But if they’ve touched you, if they’re inside you, then they’re still yours. The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart.”

My parents were very close to Aunty Octavia while they were in Mangalore- Hearty sympathies to bereaved family members. May Aunty Octavia’s soul RIP.