‘Leaders Aren’t Born, They Are Made! Students’ Council of St Aloysius College Launched

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A good Leader leads the People from above them. A great leader leads the people from within Them”- M D Arnold

Mangaluru: Serving as a President of Students’ Council in a college is a privilege and honor bestowed upon you by fellow college mates. When you are selected, your buddies have recognized your leadership skills and potential to manage the Council effectively. Your tenure will offer many opportunities to learn new skills, enhance the experience of others and grow as a leader. By taking advantage of the many opportunities to learn and grow, your term can have personal and professional development benefits that will last a lifetime. All of the members of your Student Council are part of your team, and it is the President’s responsibility to guide members toward reaching the Council goals.

Having goals and making plans to achieve them are two key steps to being successful. Every Council members has his/her important role to fill, and by working together, your Council will be able to meet its full potential and serve a vital role in your College, may be even, community. To accommodate these facts, there is a great deal of latitude in how you choose to manage your Council as long as you follow the basic Council rules/standards. In today’s rapidly changing world, individuals must blend their family demands, work commitments and volunteer work. While the responsibilities of an individual association president/chairman may be demanding, he/she is able to share challenges, ideas and perspectives with fellow members.

Like they say that Change in leadership is always good and better, and it was time for change in the Students’ Council of St Aloysius College {Autonomous}, Mangaluru- and the inauguration of the 2018-19 Students’ Council took place on 19 June 2018 at the LCRI Auditorium at 3 pm.. The programme began with invoking God’s blessings through a prayer song “You Raise Me Up” originally sung by American Singer/Song-Writer Josh Groban rendered by the college choir, and few of the lyrics in the song like ” You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains, You raise me up to walk on stormy seas, I am strong when I am on your shoulders, You raise me up to more than I can be..” were quite appropriate for the leaders of the Students’ Council as they march forward to lead.

The welcome address was delivered by Dr Ratan Tilak Mohunta- Director of the students’ Council, followed by the inauguration of the programme by lighting the traditional lamp by chief guest- Prof B S Nagendra Prakash- Registrar, Mangalore University, along with other dignitaries on the dais namely- Fr Dionysius Vas Sj-Rector of St Aloysius Institutions; Fr Praveen Martis Sj- Principal, St Aloysius College; Dr A M Narahari- Registrar, St Aloysius College; Dr Santhosh W Goveas- Director, Students’ Council; Relston Lobo- President, Students Council; Miss Jini-Vice President; Miss Rupal D’souza- Secretary, Llyod-Jt secretary, Roshan -speaker and Abdullah-Deputy speaker of the Students’ Council.

Following the inauguration, Fr Praveen Martis Sj administered the oath to students’ council leader Relston, and he then administered the oath to rest of his Council members, which was then followed with the college anthem by the choir. During the occasion, St Aloysius College BBA Student Moosa Fazil who was certified by GOOGLE after successfully completing The Online Marketing Fundamentals qualification was felicitated by the chief guest. Moosa who is also CEO of his own Graphic Designer firm named “Fazil’s Creations”, has completed 106 lessons, unlocked 26 Badges of GOOGLE Digital Unlocked. He has appeared for the final exam of Google Digital Unlocked, passed the exam and received certification from GOOGLE. The Google Digital Unlocked course consists of 23 modules covering a wide range of subjects from marketing fundamentals: search, email, social media, display, video, e-commerce, geo-targeting and analytics. He is a great asset to his college through his achievement.

Briefing the audience about a unique initiative undertaken by the Students’Council, Miss Rupal D’souza speaking on the “One Coin Revolution’ said, ” One of the primary objectives of our education at St Aloysius College is to become agents of change in the society by being men and women for and with others. In tune with this vision, this unique project was launched during the previous year. The spirit of this project is that every student saves one coin or one rupee every day and contributes the same for this project. The students’ Council will choose a meaningful project on which the collected sum will be utilized. Thus we can make a difference in the lives of the people who are on the fringes of society. The collection will be made once a week, which will start on 25 June. As the Students’ council embarks on this novel venture, let us all wish that we truly imbibe “The Spirit” and “The Joy of Giving”.

And while this unique project was symbolically launched during the occasion, dignitaries on the dais contributed by dropping money into the Coin Box, and chief guest Prof Nagendra Prasad donated Rs 1001 for the good cause. Addressing the students’ council, Prof Nagendra said, ” The only reason I used to come down to Mangaluru from Bengaluru to have delicious ice cream flavors at Ideal’s in town. Mangaluru is not what it used to be decades ago- greenery has vanished, instead, you see only concrete structures. It’s indeed the time of the hour that we all join to create a better and greener environment in Mangaluru, and for that the support and participation of all you young leaders is needed”.

” Few days ago Mangaluru was shut down for two due to floods-the reason being no planning was done in the infrastructure of the city. You cut trees, and build structures, and there will be no place for water to flow- and thus we had floods here. It is you who can make a change in the society- take a pledge to make your campus more green-create a green campus. It’s sad to note that green cover is not up to the mark in DK. Since the future belongs to you, step forward and work to make this city and also your college campus more greener. And while you are all budding leaders now, learn also to respect your college and the elders, and bring a change in the society” added Prof Prasad.

Principal Fr Praveen Martis Sj addressing the students said, ” You are all called to be the leaders of St Aloysius College, so celebrate your leadership. You are representing the 6000 plus students of this institution, which should make you proud. Leadership is the special quality that you have in yourselves now, so make the best of it and show your capacity. A great leader should have- Self-awareness; Ingenuity; Love; and Heroism- so develop all these qualities to prove yourselves as good leaders. Wish you all a successful year, full of activities with great leadership behind them”.

Rector Fr Dionysius Vas Sj said, ” I am glad to hear that you all have chalked down interesting and wonderful things this year, including the unique One coin Revolution. You should know that leadership comes within you, and life and leadership are the choices. Leadership is not a position, it’s a passion. Be proud of where you come from, and develop the power of empowerment. The characters of Jesuit education insist on -Pursuit of excellence; Respect for the world; Critical Thinking and Effective Communication; Special concern for the poor; and Caring for Hope. And also like our Chief guest has given a call to make our campus greener, you should take a pledge to add more greenery to our campus surroundings, thereby making it greener and environmentally friendly. Best of luck in your endeavours and your leadership qualities”.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Relston Lobo, while the entire inaugural ceremony was professionally compered by Miss Giselle Fernandes. In conclusion, the energy, the faith, the devotion, the commitment which you bring to this endeavour will light your institution and all who serve it… and the glow from that light can truly light this nation. Best of luck from Team Mangalorean to the Students Council 2018-19 of St Aloysius College {Autonomous}.

I end this column with a inspiring prayer which was said by Fr Praveen Martis Sj while concluding his speech, where he gave a call to all the Students’ Council members through God’s blessings to become great Magis {Latin word for ‘More’ and ‘Greater’} driven leaders- and requesting everyone to close their eyes he invoked God’s blessings with these words-

“God of Love and Life, You have called these young students together as Servants to do your Will,

Grant them the light of Your Spirit, to Guide them in their responsibilities as a Student Council representative.

May they work together in harmony for the common good. May they listen to one another in a spirit of genuine respect.

May they encourage and reverence one another’s unique talents. May they use the gifts of the Spirit in creative love driven leadership. May they approach the decision making through discernment and prayer.

May they respond effectively to the needs of the student body in their care.

May Your blessings radiate from us to others in anew spirit of service.

We make these prayers in God’s name, the Light of the World. May God bless us all”

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6 years ago

Proud to have represented my batch at SAC.