Puttur: Take Care! Casual Attitude with ATM Cards can PIN You down!

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Puttur: We are in a world of short cuts, always looking for an easy way out in handling matters.

It is common to come across stories of fraudsters taking advantage of the convenience of online banking. Credit and debit cards are cloned and personal identity numbers (PIN) are hacked with ease. Different kinds of software of Far Eastern origin are reportedly available in the international market to facilitate such acts.


In the face of all these hazards, discretion and caution are most needed. There have been several reports during the past months about money being withdrawn from banks by miscreants, even when the ATM cards are safely preserved in the account-holders’ wallets or lockers at home.

Changing the PIN of the ATM card as often as possible could be a safe method to avoid hacking, fraudulent withdrawals and transfers and to guard oneself from those ‘phishing’ in troubled waters.

It is quite sad that in spite of regular media reports and cautions such instances continue to happen. It is understandable that in these times of stress and pressure, it could be difficult to commit the PIN to one’s memory. But there are ways to record it in a safe place.

Nevertheless, many account-holders seem to follow the practice of noting the PIN on the reverse of the card itself, which is an open invitation to miscreants or something which could be a temptation to even someone not so inclined to be so.

A woman entrepreneur from Uppinangady had recently complained to the police of the theft of her ATM card from her wardrobe and subsequent withdrawal of Rs 90,000 without her knowledge.

Based on the lead that one Mallesh, hailing from Sigandur of Raichur district, who was earlier working in her house, had gone missing thereafter, the police went on his trail and managed to arrest him. Now the investigations have revealed a vital piece of information.

The woman entrepreneur had found it difficult to memorize the PIN and, she had, as an easy way out, noted it down on the other side of the card. That gave Mallesh Rs 90,000 on a golden platter.

In modification of what Shakespeare wrote in Henry The Fourth (Part 1 Act 5, Scene 4), discretion is the better part of not only valour but also pragmatism and common sense.

Earlier news:

Indiscretion can be expensive!

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9 years ago

Thanks to Richard Lasrado for his informative article on the use of ATM Cards n PIN.

Shrinivas karkala
9 years ago

Quite an informative article. It is a matter of surprise that despite these kind of alert articles people are seemingly not bothered about such things of importance and every now and then we get media reports on people being deceived even in DK district which is called as ‘Buddivanthara jille’.
Thanks to Richard Lasrado.