Website Impact! Naturals Ice Cream places Dustbins to Dispose Trash

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Website Impact! Naturals Ice Cream places Dustbins to Dispose Trash

Mangaluru: Following close on its heels within a week, our report once again has proved one more positive result after highlighting the issue in – Talk about the power of media, especially Electronic media where we highlight the civic issues and within few hours or few days the concerned authorities who can’t bear the criticism about their negligence, quickly get into action and rectify the civic issues. In the past has highlighted various civic issues through our website, and there has been a tremendous effect with most of the problems being fixed in no time, from rectifying dilapidated roads, open drainage, non-friendly footpaths, potholes, dog menace, neglected garbage etc.

Naturals Ice Cream located at Kadri Pumpwell-Kadri Road (Near Bharath Beedies Pvt Ltd)-Mangaluru should have thought of placing garbage bins for their customers to dispose of the trash like empty ice cream cups, spoons, straws etc. But as they say “Better late than never”- the company has rectified the issue after a report “SwacchMangaluru, What? Naturals Ice Cream Clients spoil Natural beauty of City dated 11 April 2017 (Article link: Surprise- within 12 hours after the report was published received a letter by email from “Team Naturals” informing us that they have rectified the issue- we sincerely thank the management of Naturals Ice Cream for doing the needful- the contents of the email is as follows:


“Dear team, Greetings from Naturals!- This is with regards to your article “Swachh M’luru, What? ‘Natural’ Ice Cream Clients Spoil ‘Natural’ Beauty of City” dated ” 11/04/17. We wholeheartedly appreciate the efforts Mr Alfie D’Souza has put, in bringing this critical issue of Cleanliness to the limelight. Our aim is not only to delight our guests by serving their favourite ice creams but also to provide a clean and healthy environment for them. For ensuring the same we have now placed few more dustbins in front of our outlet along with a banner to promote its use. (Pls. refer to the attached images.) Being originated from Mangalore, we extend our full cooperation in support of such activities aimed at benefiting this city and the country as a whole.Thanks & Regards, Team Naturals”. Thanks a lot and great job everyone at Naturals from Team Mangalorean.

Each day or night they come in high-end cars like Mercedes, Audi, Jaguar, BMW, also top branded Indian cars to buy their favorite natural flavors of Ice Cream at ‘Natural Ice Cream’ parlour located near Kadri Pumpwell, on Kadri Road near to Bharath Beedies Pvt Ltd- and in spite of these folks being well educated, and many of them being stinking rich – but one thing for sure is that they haven’t learnt to keep the surroundings clean by not littering. While the volunteers of Ramakrishna Mission involve themselves in cleaning the City every Sunday, but on the other hand we have the best cream of the society littering the area with ice cream cups, fast food wrappers/carry bags etc etc – how can we look forward to a Swachh Mangaluru, when even the people don’t cooperate in keep the city clean.

Our report did get quite a few comments/suggestions from our ardent readers in order to bring a change in citizens habits. Like, Chethan posted comments saying -“Grow Up. Be Good and Do Good”; Henry-“Why not the seller take responsibility to collect all the leftover or fine him”. Selwyn Crasto -“Very good point Alfie and team Mangalorean. You have really taken the trouble to highlight our civic responsibilities and sense. Thanks. Hopefully, these outlets will at least think of putting a garbage bin for their cartons; Dr Shetty- Mr D’Souza, The fearless citizen journalist, good responsible reporting. Remember this report will benefit all the residents living around the area”; Dr MN Bhandarkar – “Seeing this report I too feel guilty because me and my kids are the patrons of Natural Ice Cream twice or three times a week – and sorry to tell you that we too have done the same thing throwing empty ice cream cups on the street. We accept our fault- now onwards we will see that we throw the empty cups once we reach home- and I hope other customers do the same. It would be nice if Natural Ice Cream places a few garbage bins like Dsouza has mentioned. Great article to bring awareness;


Dr Annapurna S Kamath- “Always eat ice cream in the cone. This way everything is edible. Carry a waterproof bag(not garbage cover) to collect trash in the car. Dispose of responsibly once home. Shops to keep colour coded bins for segregating garbage ( and educate clients to use it effectively. Single use plastic including all disposables, ban to be strictly enforced as it is state policy. Disposables are hazardous for health to avoid them. Awake arise and be responsible. It’s your city after all!”- Thanks for all your comments, which has brought results and a difference. Now that the management of Naturals has done a great deed by placing four dustbins around their shack, it is now the duty of the citizens/customers of Naturals to use these dustbins to dispose of the trash. Only hope they will do it or could be the opposite- let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best and the change in their habits.

While there are many organizations like Ramakrishna Mission trying their best to bring awareness about ‘Swachh Bharath- Swachh Mangaluru’, but sadly we have also the educated people who ignorantly try go against the Swachh Bharath Abhiyan, by littering as they like. Here I can’t simply say and blame that the Natural Ice Cream customers are at fault for littering because ONLY if the Ice Cream had placed a couple of garbage bins on the adjacent footpath we would not have seen ice cream cups scattered all over the place. But now that they have placed the garbage bins, it’s advisable that people make good use of them to dispose of the trash or take your mess home and dispose of it there? Thank You.

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Truth Seeker
7 years ago

It’s not easy to change habits of a third world country. Otherwise, how do you explain the fact that a reputed business house and its urban, educated customers still have no basic understanding of using trash bin for used cups? If it takes media reporting and public shaming to make such a basic, simple change, imagine the challenge we have in making much bigger, complex changes.

Shalini Bhandary
7 years ago


7 years ago

GOOD JOB MANGALOREAN..KEEP IT UP, hope to see more reports like this one.

John Rodrigues
7 years ago

I appreciate the actions and awareness taken by the website and the ice cream parlor, i too recall an incident which took place couple of months ago while i was having ice cream with my family sitting inside my car, a couple sitting in their car after finishing their ice cream conveniently threw the used cup on the ground which infuriated me, i got out of my car, asked them to pick the trash and they obliged and before walking away i thanked them for keeping my city clean! I request every citizen to stand up to correct the wrongs… Read more »