100 Children Enroll for ‘Konkani Bhurgyanlem Shibir -2017’ at Bajjodi

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100 Children Enroll for ‘Konkani Bhurgyanlem Shibir -2017’ at Bajjodi

Mangaluru: The inaugural function of the three days ‘Konkani Bhurgyanlem Shibir 2017’ jointly organized by Infant Mary Church and Mand Sobhan, Mangalore, was held on Monday, April 17 at the Infant Mary Church hall.

The Programme began with a Prayer song by ICYM members. Fr Ivan D’Souza welcomed everyone. Parish Priest Fr Shabas Crasta inaugurated the camp by lighting the lamp and blessing the Children. Mandd Sobhan Gurkar Eric Ozario, Vice President Joseph Mascarenhas, Secretary Irene Pinto, ICYM Secretary Clarita Lobo were also present on the dais. Soon after the inauguration children were divided into two groups. ICYM conducted games, songs and dance for the small Children. Mandd Sobhan Gurkar and team trained the other group.

This event is an in-house training camp in Konkani, singing, dance and acting for the children in the age group of 10 to 16. It will end on Wednesday, April 19th. Fr Ivan D’Souza compered the programme.

by Fr Ivan D’Souza OCD

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