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13 Days, 30 Events! Sayonara to ACCE “Techno Week ’16

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13 Days,30 Events! Sayonara to ACCE “Techno Week ’16

“Hard work performed in a disciplined manner will in most cases keep the worker fit and also prolong his life. The way to build a nation is to build a good citizen. The majority of the citizens should be efficient, of good character and possess a reasonable high sense of duty. To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money” – Sir M Visvesvaraya

Mangaluru: Quoting Shakespeare’s words, “But with the word the time will bring on summer, When briers shall have leaves as well as thorns, All’s well that ends well; still the fine’s the crown; Whatever the course, the end is the renown “all I can say is that the members of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (ACCE) have done a marvelous job by organizing whopping 30 programmes in 13 days, including seminars, Technical talks etc during the prestigious ” Techno Week-2016′ at various engineering and technical institutions in and around Mangaluru city. Kudos, a job well done !


A host of various activities were planned during the ” Week” ( actually 13 days from 16 Sept- 29 Sept) in many engineering and polytechnic institutions around and beyond the DK district to celebrate the creative problem-solving role engineers play in making the world the better, safer, more enjoyable place for us all to live. The week included hands-on activities and presentations designed to introduce youngsters to the excitement of engineering and the importance of technological literacy. And Ramco Cements Limited (formerly Madras Cements Ltd), the concrete cement company as ‘Sponsor’/partner of ACCE’s “Techno Week” had pledged to connect engineers and other technology professionals with organizations/institutions to have various informative and creative programmes during the “Week”, thereby bringing a positive impact on people around us. With innovative concrete solutions delivered by Ramco, both the ACCE and Ramco are trying to build a better nation-and I can say, ” Yes, together they can !”.

During the inauguration ceremony of ‘Techno Week-2016’ held at Hotel Ocean Pearl on 16 Sept., the dynamic past chairman and the Advisor of ‘Techno Week 2016’, Er Vijaya Vishnu Mayya, who has been at the helm of such projects for many years, quoting Henry Ford’s words, “If You Think You Can or Can’t, Either Way You Are Right” had said, ” Although there are nearly 30 programs planned during the Techno Week, we are confident that with the support and encouragement from the members, sponsors and participating institutions we will accomplish our goals and make the “Week” a grand success”. And surely “Acha Din Agaya”, with the valedictory function of the “Techno Week” which was held on 29 Sept, once again at Hotel Ocean Pearl, Er Mayya ( who wasn’t present) should be proud to note that his words have come true-since the ” Week” emerged out to be very successful with numerous programmes – Kudos to the determination and hard work of all the resource persons the members of ACCE(I) which made this “Techno Week 2016” a grand success and a memorable one.

The Valedictory function of ‘Techno Week 2016’ held at Hotel Ocean Pearl was called to order by chairman of ACCE, Er Vinayak T Pai, which was followed by invoking God’s blessings through a prayer quote rendered by Er Vimal Keerthi Jain. After the welcome address by Er Vinayak Pai, introduction of the chief guest, guest of honor, and resource person Dr Premanand Shenoy was done, followed by a elaborate audio-video presentation of the programmes that were conducted during the “Techno Week” which was presented to the audience by Er Vinayak Pai.

In the absence of Er Mohammed Nazir- MCC Commissioner who couldn’t make it for the occasion due to some urgent assignment, Er Anil Kumar Pillai Pillai- Deputy General Manager, Ramco Cements Ltd graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Complimenting the ACCE members for doing a wonderful job during the ‘Techno Week’, Er Pillai assured his full support and encouragement from his side in future ACCE projects. He further said, “Missing links to engineering and to make things happen are :ability to ask good questions, ability to see patterns in data, ability to devise models to Under Stand various factors affecting the problems, ability to break problems into smaller issues i.e decomposition, ability to visualize and most importantly ability to communicate and present it. Many a times Projects suffer because of breakdown in communication. Ramco being an organization having contributed to various CSR activities will also continue to spread awareness amongst budding civil engineers”.

Er AK Pillai also spoke about Ramco group and its progress, where he said, ” Our investments in the latest technology in cement manufacturing has ensured that the cement that we produce is consistent in quality. Ability to innovate, implementing the latest technology in cement manufacturing and our commitment to sustainability has ensured that Ramco Super Grade is amongst the top choice for civil engineers. Our Technical Services team, ‘Mace’ division continues to work in close coordination with various universities and engineering colleges with an objective to inculcate the importance of good concreting practices amongst the budding Civil Engineers.”

“Tech-Mantra” the technical magazine of Ramco Cements Ltd was released by Er Katta Venkataramana, a professor at NITK, followed by felicitations of all the resource persons during Techno-Week. Mahesh Raj Pai- Marketing Manager of Dry Mix Division- Ramco gave a brief talk through audio-video presentation on Ramco Dry Mix. The resource person of the occasion, Dr Premanand Shenoy through Power Point Presentation highlighted on the topic” Bio-Mimicry in Civil Engineering” which was very much enjoyed by the audience. Er. Mohammad Iqbal-Secretary of the association proposed the vote of thanks. The event was organized successfully and left its imprints like flowing water embarks its impression on a pebbled shore. It gave an opportunity to everyone to remember and cherish the works of Sir Visvesvaraya. And as always, the celebration ended with a bunch of engineers entertaining the crowd with their golden voices.

In conclusion, “Remember, your work may be only to sweep a railway crossing, but it is your duty to keep it so clean that no other crossing in the world is as clean as yours.” – These were the words of the greatest engineer India has ever seen, Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya- who is often used as a metaphor here for an extremely intelligent person. We say “He has Visvesvaraya’s brain”. Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya (1860-1962) was a prominent Indian engineer, scholar, visionary, and statesman. “Roofs help us to survive, But we build it. No software, No hardware without a proper roof. When civil engineers rest, the world rests. Civil Engineer forever. Civil Engineer rules. Civil Engineer Rocks-Proud to be a Civil Engineer” – a Civil Engineer’s testimony Yes, Engineers are the harbingers of change. They can change the way the world lives. They are the silent revolutionaries and unsung heroes who ceaselessly engage themselves in nation building activities. It was a time to recollect the invaluable contribution made towards the community and the nation building by these gifted engineers, and also about the life and achievements of India’s pioneering and greatest engineer of all times, Sir M Visvesvaraya. Long live the CIVIL ENGINEERS!

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