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140 Students Graduate from AJ Institute of Allied Sciences with Pride and Dignity

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140 Students Graduate from AJ Institute of Allied Sciences with Pride and Dignity

Mangaluru: A graduation ceremony is a pageant celebrating the transition from student to graduate and marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their life. 140 graduates belonging to eight departments namely Medical Lab Technology; Optometry; Medical Imaging Technology; Renal Dialysis Technology; Respiratory Care Technology; Operation Theatre Technology; Perfusion Technology (all B Sc); and M Sc-Medical Lab Technology of A J Institute of Allied Sciences (AJIAS)- Mangaluru, all dressed to thrill in their graduation gowns, and who were about to receive their certificate and medal were all beaming with smile and pride as they were ready to enter the hall for the big celebrations, amidst their teachers, parents, and college-mates.

The function commenced with the entry of graduates in a beautiful “Graduation March” by the way of traditional pattern with flowers and balloons all around followed by the dignitaries of the occasion. And now as these graduates emerge out of the campus and look forward to serve the community, they will be great asset to the needy patients who are anticipating their dedicated and professional services. As it is said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. An attitude of absoluteness is the basis for everything.

A star is formed out of a cloud of cool, dense molecular gas. In order for it to become a potential star, the cloud needs to collapse and increase density. But from all those pressure, their dazzling brilliance never fails to stand out and shine across unimaginable distances for myriads of years. These 140 graduates resemble that of a Star-who have now graduated with pride and dignity, but, full of gratefulness. However, this journey brought about many challenges, like decisions to be made and feelings to be nurtured. And today, these graduates celebrate their achievement, who have committed to and succeeded in completing one of the most challenging modes of studying. They have all brought immense joy to their Alma mater, and most of all, to their teachers and especially, their parents. Congratulations, Graduates!

The Graduation Ceremony began with invoking God’s blessings through a prayer song rendered by Ms Tripthi Uchil- Lecturer in Microbiology-AJIAS, followed by welcome address by Salini Joseph- Lecturer in Dialysis Technology-AJIAS. The Annual Report was delivered by Dr Francis N P Monteiro, followed by inauguration of the ceremony by lighting the traditional lamp by Chief Guest- Kavitha Sanil- Mayor of Mangaluru City corporation, along with other dignitaries on the dais namely- Dr A J Shetty- President, and Prashanth Shetty- Vice President of Laxmi Memorial Educational Trust respectively; and Dr Ashok Hegde- Dean, AJIMS and RC. “He that imposes an oath makes it, not he that for convenience take it”- and it was the honor for AJIAS Principal Dr Monteiro to convey the oath to his 140 graduates, who all repeated after him, with pride, dignity, with gratefulness, and recapitulated it, committing themselves to their respective noble professions.

India’s former President Late APJ Abdul Kalam once said, “Dreams is not what you see in sleep, but is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep”- now it was time to honor all the 140 graduates with a medal and graduation certificate – while the names of all the graduates were read by Ms Ramya Kunder- Lecturer in Microbiology, everyone walked to the stage to be honored by the chief guest Mayor Kavitha Sanil, Dr AJ Shetty, and other dignitaries on the dais. 38 rank holders ( 12 from 2011-2015 batch and 26 from 2012-2016 batch) of AJIAS were also honored on the occasion. Best outgoing student- Fahis P O (Student of B Sc-Medical Imaging Technology) in Academics, and also in Sports for the year 2013-17; and Best Outgoing Student- Sharmeela Shirin KV (Student-B Sc-Renal Dialysis Technology) for the year 2012-2016 were also honored.

Chief Guest of the day Mayor Kavitha in her speech enlightened the graduates that they are the true ambassadors of the AJIAS to alleviate suffering, inspire and innovate their service through integrity, compassion and loyalty. ” Mangaluru being a Smart City, all you students should be Smart when you go out and serve others. Once you get out of this college, you should not forget it, instead be grateful and remember it forever, because it was this Institute which made you what you are. All of you full-fledged graduates in your respective profession who have now stepped into your fertile and promising various fields, as full-fledged professionals would be competent to provide professional care to the sick and needy. Utilize your talents and knowledge that you gained from your college. Be ready to help someone who is in need of medical assistance.”

Also speaking on the occasion , Dr AJ Shetty said, ” At our institution we place great emphasis on helping the students to grow into thoughtful, responsible adults with a strong sense of right and wrong. Equality of opportunity is fundamental to our institution ethos. We educate every student to the best of his/her ability.We have skilled and dedicated team who are committed to providing the best education for you. Our institutions is truly the opportunity places for every education seeker. Our institutions stress high-quality education with sound moral and spiritual values. Our faculty members are dedicated to the student’s welfare, and they are skillful in the handling of social values to shape the life and character of each student. We also have the sophisticated medical equipment needed during your studies. You all are like our family members. Not just academic, even Art, music, and physical education are part of our regular curriculum. Avail all the facilities and opportunities that is provided here, and have a good education experience here at AJIAS”

Ms Swathi, a graduate from B Sc grade, and Ms Ashwini N from Post Graduate grade expressed their feelings and experiences during their tenure as students at AJIAS, and through their few words of wisdom encouraged the fresh graduates not to loose hope and instead look for the best in their careers that they had chosen. Following the presentation of mementos to the dignitaries on the dais, the vote of thanks was proposed by Gokul Sampath-Lecturer in Neuro science, AJIAS. The formal function ended with photo-session with the graduates, followed by a sumptuous lunch.

In conclusion, as you prepare to launch into the real world beyond college, let me take a moment to congratulate each and every one of you. No matter what your circumstances in life — where you live, the family you were born into, what happened to you as a young child or a college student that was beyond your control, but now is the time to step forward into your own true self and begin the chapter of life that is truly yours for the making.Congratulations, graduates! In honor of this exciting time, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite quotes that have inspired me. May these words inspire you as you begin your own new chapter in the book of life :

” Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”, so go and move into the society and follow these words of Gandhi, and be good physiotherapists, Nurses, Lab Technicians, and Medical Imaging Techs and serve the patients with dedication and sincerity and bring joy and smiles on their faces”-Mahatma Gandhi; “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the person who’ll decide where to go.” – Dr. Seuss; “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson; “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” -Henry David Thoreau.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to challenge the world. Hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known”- Congratulations, Graduates and Success galore!

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