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2-in-1 Extravaganza! Old Timers have a Ball at ‘World Elders Day’ & ‘Gandhi Jayanthi’

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2-in-1 Extravaganza! Old Timers have a Ball at ‘World Elders Day’ & ‘Gandhi Jayanthi’

2-in-1 Extravaganza! Old Timers have a Ball at ‘World Elders Day’ & ‘Gandhi Jayanthi’ hosted by KMC Nava Chaitanya and Lions & Lioness Club of Mangaluru, held at KMC Sushrutha Hall-Attavar, Mangaluru on 2 October 2018.

Mangaluru: Old is Gold!-that’s right. We don’t believe age is any more than a mere number. Not with these smooth party “young” ladies and men on the floor. Look at them go! Even in the glorious age of white hair and senior citizen discounts, their inner children are not only alive and well, they’re shaking things up too… literally. They are getting with the groove, boogey-ing, dancing well, singing oldies, and having some fun and frolic. All this and much more talents unleashed by the lovable, cute and enthusiastic young “Seniors” was witnessed by the gathering assembled for the “World Elders Day” and “Gandhi Jayanthi” celebrations hosted by KMC Nava Chaitanya-a Day care Centre for the elderly People located inside KMC Hospital-Attavar, in association with Lion and Lioness Club-Mangaluru Main chapter, on 2 October 2018 at KMC “Sushrutha” Hall-Attavar. The hall simply reverberated!

As they say that “Ageing is not ‘lost youth’, but a new stage of opportunity and strength”- there is no age limit when you are capable of having some fun and want to party- even senior citizens know how to party hard and have fun and frolic. Imagine a few seniors in their 60’and 70’s swinging their bodies to a Hindi and Malayalam tune, and a couple other grandmas and Grandpas lifting their legs and shaking their hips to Bollywood dance hits. Imagine a teeth-less 69 year-old “young damsel” singing and enthralling the audience with her best solo performance, few others old timers cracking some jokes- made everyone feel that even older folks have the capacity to rock the world with their talents in their vintage years. “You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.” had said George Bernard Shaw. These “Young” bunch were proved to be exceptionally talented, having some fun and laughing throughout the programme- Truly “Vintage Revellers”!

NGOs like KMC Nava Chaitanya, AGE-Mangaluru, Abhaya Ashraya and Mangalore Alzheimer’s Association are doing one heckuva job caring and entertaining the seniors, thereby keeping them healthy, active and happy. “World Elders Day” is dedicated to honor, respect and care for the world’s elderly. In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1st as the International Day for the Elderly, also known as the International Day for Older persons. The Day has become an annual event around the world, with various activities organized in commemoration of contributions of older persons. And here in Mangaluru, KMC Nava Chaitanya has been organizing great events, seminars and training for the older people, which needs to be commended by everyone.

The programme with a prayer invoking God’s blessings rendered by Dr Ms Anasuya B Salian, followed by welcome address by Surendra Bekal- President of KMC Nava Chaitanya. The duo celebrations was inaugurated by Chief Guest- Dr Ms M Kundabala– Professor, Dept of Conservative Dentistry, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangaluru; along with other dignitaries on the dais namely- guest of honour Ln Vijaya Vishnu Mayya- President of Lions Club of Mangalore; Lioness Jyothi Shetty- President, Lioness Club Mangalore ; Dr Sheetal Raj- Asst. Prof. of Medicine-KMC and director of Nava Chaitanya; among board members of KMC Nava Chaitanya.

Three Senior Citizens namely Ms A Vasanthi Kumari, Ms Kusuma N Rao and Ms Josephine Sequeira Dr Anusuya Salian, were felicitated during the occasion. In response, Ms Kusuma Rao and Ms Josephine Sequeira appreciating the felicitations on them, thanked KMC Nava Chaitanya for giving them new life, better health and long life, through various activities and exercises done there.

Ln Vijaya Vishnu Mayya addressing the audience said, ” Lions and Lioness Club is always proud to be associated with KMC Nava Chaitanya, and we want to help the organization whichever way is possible for us. Aging gracefully is one thing, but trying to slow it down is another. There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. Women sit or move to and fro, some are old, some young. The young are beautiful – but the old are more beautiful than the young. To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent–that is to triumph over old age. Looking at you all here, I don’t think you look old, but look young, energetic and cheerful- you seniors area role model to the present youth- Hats off to KMC Nava Chaitanya for bringing a change in you. May God bless you all”.

Chief guest Dr Kundabala addressing the audience said, ” In India we had joint families where the children used to take care of their elders or vice versa. But with the invasion of Western culture, these joint families are breaking down. Children move out or ignore their parents and elders- which is sad. I was very close to my mother-in-law more than my own mother- after my mother-in-law passed away I lost a great friend and a mentor. I miss her a lot. It’s because of her what I am now. When I look at some of my students with well manners, I assume that they have been taken care by their grandparents. It’s because of the elders we enjoy life and love. You are all not old, but just growing further. All these years you did lots of great things for the community, now it is time for you to relax and take care of your health. And the only solution for this to keep the seniors happy and active is the activities and fun provided by KMC Nava Chaitanya. When we get old it’s time to develop a rapport with the family, start making friends, so that when you reach that old age you need someone to communicate, mingle and interact. It is being Creatively engaged and doing some activity which you love that leads to peace of mind and in return good Health and a long happy life”.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Ms Jyothi Ravindra–secretary of KMC-NC, while the programme was compered by MS Kamath-Treasurer and Zahid Hussain Baji-the Adviser of KMC-NC. Prizes were distributed to the winners in the various competitions organized by Lions Club, and Lions Club/Lioness Club also donated a box of fruits to the members of Abhaya Ashraya. Now it was time for the fun of the day- cultural extravaganza of nearly 15 performances by the seniors. From songs to Dance to a Rupaka /Skit, the bevy of “Young Revelers” simply Rocked the House!

Ending this column with few thought-provoking words of wisdom on “old age’-

“The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young. The complete life, the perfect pattern, includes old age as well as youth and maturity. The beauty of the morning and the radiance of noon are good, but it would be a very silly person who drew the curtains and turned on the light in order to shut out the tranquility of the evening. Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth. The old are in a second childhood. When we’re young we have faith in what is seen, but when we’re old we know that what is seen is traced in air and built on water. No one wishes to grow old, to outlive their illusions. Only a short respite from cares and sorrow, a brief time of flowers, and music, and love, and laughter, and ecstatic tears”.

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