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53rd Annual College day of St Aloysius Evening PU College Celebrated in Grandeur

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53rd Annual College day of St Aloysius Evening PU College Celebrated in Grandeur

Mangaluru: The 53rd College Day of St Aloysius Evening Pre-University College was celebrated on 16th December 2019 in the Loyola Hall. Sri Nithin B. T. Section Officer, DDPUE, DK was the Chief Guest and Rev. Fr Dionysius Vaz S J. presided over the ceremony. The ceremony commenced on a prayerful note, followed by a welcome dance. Ms. Kshama Rao, convener of the programme, delivered the welcome address.

The Principal, Rev. Fr Clifford Sequeira SJ addressed the gathering and a video presentation of the annual report, encompassing various facilities, major activities and other essentials pertaining to the Evening PU College was presented to the gathering. Nithin B. T appreciated the efforts of the Evening PU college. He inspired the students to take up courses that they have an aptitude for in the future and advised the parents to assist their children in opting for the right course. He urged the students to be better individuals and to be better citizens. He also motivated the students to emerge successful in the II PU Board exams of March 2020 and wished them the very best.

Rev. Fr. Dionysius Vaz SJ in his Presidential address applauded the entire faculty, parents and well wishers for their combined effort in honing the students and making them capable and competent. The Rector urged the students to inculcate the sense of culture, self knowledge, social awareness and to develop skills and values as students and to emerge as successful individuals. In closing, he wished the students a bright future ahead.

A prize distribution ceremony was organized in recognition of the achievers in academics, extra-curricular and sports. The Finance Officer, Rev. Fr Vinod Paul SJ and Coordinator , Dr Pradeep M were also present on the dais. Mrs Reena Monteiro, HOD of English, delivered the vote of thanks. The formal programme was followed by a splendid cultural programme which comprised of a meaningful drama and spectacular dances.

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