St Aloysius B. Ed College observes International Women’s Day

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St Aloysius B. Ed College observes International Women’s Day

Mangaluru: St Aloysius B. Ed College, a leading institute of teacher education of the city celebrated International Women’s Day here on the theme ‘women are the nourishing power of the universe’. The programme began with the invoking of blessings of the Almighty through a prayer song by Ramyashree and group. Sr Dulcine Crasta UFS, Directress of Shanthi Sandesha Trust-a resource development centre on child rights, Mangaluru, was the chief guest of the celebration.

In her address Sr Crasta highlighted that the nature has endowed different roles to men and women. Better life comes by gender equity rather than gender equality. Gender discrimination is a universal problem and it is prevalent in every part of the world, because the society doesn’t want women to be independent. Discrimination of women is considered to be one of the major human right violations as it acts as a hurdle for women participation and their promotion in different social spheres. Every person should experience his and her right to life. When one doesn’t experience his/her right to live she or he may be tempted to exploit the other. Experiencing the right to live is dignity. Families should be a place to enjoy rights. Empowering women in India is very necessary. Therefore, men should handle household responsibilities in creating a free and inclusive atmosphere in families. Women should also identify their gifts and abilities, and move towards in achieving their goals.

Rev. Fr Dr Praveen Martis SJ, director of the college, in his address said, women’s day is celebrated globally on 8 March every year in honour of their remarkable contributions to society. Woman has the power to create, nurture and transform. Today, women across the globe actively participate in politics, education, social work, corporate, sports, research and have left their footprints. International Women’s Day is a special day dedicated only to women and it is a commemoration of their role in our lives. The Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society (MJES) always upholds girls’ education; their rights and truly celebrates women’s day everyday as Aloysius institutions have a large number of girl students-he added.

Ashritha Nambiar rendered the welcome address. Meghana and group performed a welcome dance. Alex highlighted the significance of celebrating women’s day. Sr Preethin and group sung a theme song-happy women’s day. A skit was enacted portraying social constraints against girl education and women’s victimization by patriarchal social structures that confine and silence them. The chief guest was felicitated during the occasion for her outstanding social services in rural and remote regions of Karnataka state. Carol delivered the vote of thanks. Dr Mrs Farita Viegas, principal, graced the occasion. Mrs Sarika Rodrigues, staff coordinator organized the programme.

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Haleema Tanveera
6 years ago

Excellence is another name for St.Aloysius Institute of Education. Awesome programme…..