Home Article 7 Fun Things to do While Watching TV Movies

7 Fun Things to do While Watching TV Movies

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7 Fun Things to do While Watching TV Movies

Here the things to do with your hands while watching TV, gone are the days when we have set schedule of watching a movie that features only on weekends on television.

What to do While Watching TV?

Today, the internet has revolutionized almost everything, and now we can binge-watch our favourite movies, anytime and anywhere.

While there are multiple channels that showcase movies on the television, there are multiple online platforms like Netflix, Amazon and Hotstar, where we can watch them whenever we want.

Let’s find out what are some of the best options to explore while watching a movie.

1. Cooking
2. Playing Online Games
3. Exercise or go to Online Classes
4. House Cleaning
5. Checking Mails and other Social media accounts
6. Grooming


Enjoying your favourite movie with your favourite snack is the joy of another level. Isn’t it? So, all that you will need is an induction cooktop or a portable stove by your side.

• And prepare the snacks you would like to enjoy while watching the film. These is the best things to do while watching tv.
• Prepare some easy-to-make snacks or recipes. Here are the ideas like roasting some popcorns or masala papad or frying some chips and relishing with a cup of coffee or a chilled juice.
• Believe me, munching some healthy calories while watching a movie on a phone is one of the best things you could do for yourself.

Playing Online Games:

There could be a time when the movie has not taken the pace, and you are getting a little bored.

• This is the best time to get your hands busy with some amazing online games with friends. There are a few online games that are short and quick, and you can play them for a short span of time.
• For instance, you can play Online Rummy, Ludo, Candy Crush, Snake, and Ladder to get back your enthusiasm all over again.
• Games always come to rescue when we get bored and playing them multitasking while watching a movie is a good idea.
So, now that we can enjoy movies by playing online games, we can do a handful of tasks while watching them as well.

Exercise or get into some yoga poses:

Workouts to do while watching tv, Exercising does not require a lot of space, and the same is with yoga too.

• If you think that the idea of indulging in exercise and yoga exclusively for an hour or so is boring, doing it multitasking while watching a movie will give you a boost.
• For exercise, we can advise you doing little push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, etc., and for yoga,
You can sit in Pranayam Mudra for a while and perform poses like Boat Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Cow Face Pose, and even do Head to Knee Bend, Seated Forward Bend and open your joints just this exercises to do while watching tv.


“Best things to do while watching tv”

Keep your hands busy while watching tv, House errands never end. The shelf you cleared in the morning might have piled up with the useless things all over again.

• So, the best time you can make the house clean is while watching the TV. If not the entire house, the room where your television is installed can be done in those few hours.
• Piling up the scattered stuff, sorting the things, keeping them at the right place, and dusting the shelves is something you can do simultaneously multitasking while watching a movie.
It is going to be a great time saver.

Check your Mails and other Social Media Accounts:

Another thing that you can do while watching a movie is checking out your social media accounts and say hi to your old buddies.

• This is the best time to reunite with them through Facebook, Instagram, or whatever social media platform you use and ask their whereabouts.
• At the same time, you can check out your pending emails and reply to the important ones.
• Since all this can be done with your mobile, you can easily do it while watching a movie, especially when nothing much exciting is happening in it.

Groom yourself or your Pet:

So, ladies, watching movies is the best time when you can groom your hands or legs by dipping them in lukewarm water for a half-hour.

• Then giving them some massage with a massaging cream, clearing the nails, giving them the right shape, putting some nail paint, and letting them shine like a star.
• Isn’t it a great idea? If you have a pet, you can groom it as well while watching the movie. Or simply, pat your pet, hug him, and pour some love, this is all that they need from their owners, literally all the time.
• Multitasking while watching tv is always fun and, at the same time, makes the person more productive.
If you can switch between different chores at one time, it stimulates creativity, and of course, saves a hell lot of time.

Snuggle and just watch the Movie:

If you are watching a thriller, mystery, or a romantic movie with your partner, forget everything, just snuggle, and watch the movie together.
This is the quality time, and everyone looks forward to it. So do not spoil it by bringing routine chores in between.

Do not miss a single frame of the movie and watch it without any distractions.

Final Thoughts: Things to do while watching tv

• Multitasking becomes fun, especially when you are getting entertained through a movie at the same time.
• So, these are some fun things that we all can do along with watching a movie. It is the best time to bond with each other.
Ignore the dull relations and create some memorable moments with friends and family. So, make every moment worthwhile, even if you must put some extra efforts.

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