7-year-old Girl Rape case in MP, VHP and BD Demand Death Penalty to Accused

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7-year-old Girl Rape case in MP, VHP and BD Demand Death Penalty to Accused

Mangaluru: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal staged a protest in front of the DC office on July 2 against the recent rape of a 7-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh on June 28.

Addressing the protesters president of Matr Vahini Asha Jagadish said, “In Madhya Pradesh, a 7-year-old girl was raped and her throat slit later by the accused. Every day we are reading the news of little girls being targeted and raped. But the government is not taking any action which has led the accused to commit more crimes. Such rapists do not have any right to live in this world. They should be hanged publicly. The death penalty is the only punishment to stop such heinous crime.”

President of Durga Vahini Vidya Mallya said, “Once Gandhiji said that when a woman can walk freely on the road at 12 midnight, that day should be considered as true Independence. But now forget about 12 midnight, girls are not safe to walk on the road even at 12 noon. The Government is not doing anything to arrest the accused. In many countries, the law is very strict for rapists but in our country, since the law is not strict it has encouraged the accused to commit more crimes. If the government will not punish the rapists, hand them over to us and we will see that they are taught the right lesson.”

District president of Bajrang Dal Sharan Pumpwell said, “When a small girl was raped and murdered in Kathua the entire country protested. Even the celebrities from bollywood to Kollywood also participated in the protest. TV channels highlighted the issue 24×7. One of the corporater from Mangaluru in a pressmeet said that she would give the Kathua rape case victims name to her daughter but in the recent rape of the 7-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh, everyone have maintained silence. The vendors from the central market had observed bandh in protest supporting the victim because she was a Muslim. Why do people discriminate rape victims in the basis of caste? Reacting through WhatsApp will not help the victim get justice, we should all pressurize the government to take stern action against the accused. I urge the prime minister to punish the rape accused by hanging them publicly.”

VHP district  president Jagadish Shenava also spoke on the occasion.

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