A Freak Accident When School Kids were Not around Prevented Injuries & Loss of Lives?

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A Freak Accident When School Kids were Not around Prevented Injuries & Loss of Lives?

Mangaluru: Was it a brake failure that led to the mishap? Maybe not, since the car was brand new? Then was it due to driver’s mistake that instead of applying the brakes might have stepped hard on the accelerator pedal? It could be! But whatever be the case, God only saved a bunch of school going kids, since the accident took place around 2.30 pm, when children were still in their classroom. Yes, mistakes do happen, many times unknowingly drivers step on accelerator pedal instead of brake pedal- and due to this mistake the results could be very dangerous or just simply out of luck.

Yes. It’s a lot easier to do than you may think. Consider that the two pedals (Brake and accelerator) are literally only a couple of inches apart on many cars and that with the numerous distractions and lack of proper attention today; one can easily find their foot in the wrong place. If this occurs in an urban setting, the results can be catastrophic, as you may not have the distance or reaction time to correct the problem. This is one of the best reasons for not using two feet to operate the accelerator and brake. In a panic situation, you will more than likely depress both. The bottom line is to be extremely careful when operating a motor vehicle. They’re heavy, powerful and can easily kill people if not properly controlled. It’s a task that should always be taken seriously…

Now here’s a story of a freak accident that took place inside the premises of Bejai Church, near Lourdes CBSE School and the Bejai Church Mini Hall. As per a witness, it is learnt that an elderly lady was driving a new Hyundai red car, and while she was exiting out of the Bejai Church parking lot, down the slope, the car was seen in a exceed speed limit for that area, and the lady lost control of the car, and rammed her car into a light yellow synthetic water storage tank, which was located near the steps of the Bejai Mini Hall.

Since the water storage tank was full of water, it prevented the car from moving forward, if not the damages or injuries would have been more. Also lucky for the elderly, if she had driven the car a little left to the water storage tank, the car could have rolled down the hall steps, and the results would have been worse. But glad to note that the driver was okay, and not much damage to the car, except the railings near the hall broke, and the water tank totally crushed to pieces. By looking at the video, the way the car was speeding down the slope-if that incident had taken place during school exit hours or during school begin hours, the results would have been catastrophic. I suppose, only St Francis Xavier, the Patron Saint of Bejai Church prevented a tragic accident from happening in this case

In conclusion, assuming that this accident could have been due to Brake and accelerator confusion – Confusion between brake and accelerator is the most common thing to happen to a new driver or an experienced as both are located close to each other. A new driver can easily end up in pressing the accelerator instead of brake and vice versa as their positions are not engraved in their minds yet. So in the sudden situations on the road when the driver has to apply the brakes he/she may end up pressing the accelerator which may have catastrophic results. So a driver should be very careful while driving and always keep in mind which side is the brake and which side is the accelerator. He/she should also keep in his/her mind that if suddenly someone comes in front of their car which pedals their leg should press. But anyway, good news in this accident is that there was not much damage, and no severe injuries and No lives lost!


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