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A Friend You Can Bank On’? VBRA Oppose Change of Vijaya Bank Logo

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A Friend You Can Bank On’? Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association (VBRA) Oppose Change of Vijaya Bank Logo

Mangaluru: On the outset as a former customer of Vijaya Bank, and also most of my family members bank with Vijaya Bank- I very much like the logo of the man very courteously welcoming his customers as they enter the bank premises, with a slogan ” A Friend You Can Bank On”- and what makes me think is that, Why would anyone think of changing such an attractive welcoming sign. Simply not a good idea to change the logo which has been there for so many years- and where everyone is happy with it. Why even bother to change a logo, which may cost quite a few crores, including changes to be made to all the publicity matter, stationary, files, documents etc etc- so dumb, I guess. Somebody in the printing/publicity business is trying to make some extra bucks out of this? Period.

Addressing the media persons during a press meet held at Mangalore Press Club, M Sudhakar Shetty-President of Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association (VBRA) said, ” VBRA is a representative body of Retirees of Vijaya Bank, having the membership of all categories of Retirees, starting from Retired Chairmen to the Retired sweepers of Vijaya Bank. The Association believes in uniting and bringing all retirees of the Bank under one Banner, irrespective of their cadre and designation, while in service. It has more than 4000 retirees of the Bank as its members, throughout the country.”

“The retirees of Vijaya Bank have left a legacy of excellent customer service in the Bank. Even after retirement, the members of the Association are very much concerned and committed to the growth and development of the Bank. Recently, during November 2016 to February 2017, when there was a heavy rush at various branches due to demonetisation of Rs.1000/- and Rs.500/- notes, the retirees have offered and worked voluntarily at branches, serving our customers and the public. Retired Senior Executives like General Managers etc have sat in the counters and have worked, day and night, without taking any remuneration from the Bank. Many of the retirees are high net worth customers of the Bank” added Shetty.

Also speaking during the press meet, Chairman of VBRA, A B Shetty said, “The Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association is very glad to note that the Vijaya Bank, for the Year Ending 31/3/2017, has reached a total Business of Rs. 2,29,833 crores and has earned an all-time high net Profit of Rs. 750.48 crores. At the same time, the Association notes with concern that the Management of the Bank have proposed to change the Logo and Tagline of the bank. The VBRA is totally opposed to any proposal to change the Logo and the Tagline of the Bank, as it is merely a waste of precious money of the Bank. The present Logo of the Bank was registered in the year 1965. The logo, a humble man, full of courtesy and friendly appearance is one of the most eye-catching and attractive Logo. It is very popular and well known amongst the customers and the Public. Similar is the Tagline, “ a friend you can bank upon”.

“Change of Logo and Tagline involves a huge expenditure. The Bank has at present more than 4000 outlets, comprising of 2013 branches and 2001 ATMs. In addition, there is a Head Office, various departments of Head Office, Regional Offices etc. The Bank has its hoardings in Indian Railways, Airports, a large number of buses, etc. If the Logo and the Tagline or any one is changed, the Bank’s Boards in all these branches, ATMs, hoardings at thousands of locations are to be changed. Normally, in the name of uniformity, such contracts are awarded to a single contractor and he has to transport and erect the new Boards in all these places. Further, the Bank’s logo, if changed, requires to be changed in all our stationery and forms such as Cheque Books, DD books, Deposit receipts, Account Opening Forms, Pass-books, Loan Applications and hundreds of such forms” added.

K Vishwanath Naik-General secretary of VBRA speaking said, “When put together, the amount of expenditure that would incur on this wasteful exercise would run into a huge amount, running into Hundreds of Crores of rupees. For a Bank like ours, which is a household name for good customer service, this is an unwarranted expenditure. This is also against the communication of the Govt. of India to all public sector Banks, advising them to avoid huge and wasteful expenditure. Rightly the Employees of the Bank, as well as Retired Employees of the Bank, have opposed this. Vijaya Bank was founded on 23/10/1931 by Sri late Attavara Balakrishna Shetty and a few progressive Bunts of South Kanara. It became a household name and grew into an all India Bank under the dynamic leadership of Late Mulky Sunder Ram Shetty, and was nationalised on 15/4/1980. Sunder Ram Shetty was generous in employing a large number of unemployed youth in the Bank, irrespective of their caste and community. “

“The people of Dakshina Kannada have an emotional attachment with this Bank. The Bunts’ Sangha Bangalore and Bunts’ yane Nadavara Mathr Sangha , Mangalore have strongly opposed the proposal of the Bank Management to change the logo and the Tagline of the Bank. A vast number of customers have also expressed their displeasure at the proposal to change the logo and the tagline of the Bank. We hereby request the media to publicise this statement respecting the sentiments of thousands of retired and present employees of the Bank, a vast number of customers and help create public awareness to save this huge and wasteful expenditure of public money.” added K V Naik.

K.C.Hegde, Joint Secretary, Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association; K.C Mada, Regional Chairman, Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association, Mangaluru Region; T.Sadashiva Rai, Regional President, Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association. Mangaluru Region; and M.Rajaram Shetty, Regional Secretary, Vijaya Bank Retirees’ Association, Mangaluru were also present during the press meet

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Henry James
7 years ago

A few years ago even Syndicate bank had changed their logo from the Alsatian dog to Zenia flower. The grapevine was that the management had sent the dog on forced Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) to limit the liabilities on the bank. Where was PETA then?

Nelson Lewis
7 years ago

Pakistan never expected India to drag the Kulbhushan Sudheer Jadhav case to the International Court of Justice and many Indians are very happy and proud of the government for this action. The media reported that in Powai locality of Bombay, many residents had gathered outside Kulbushan Jadhav’s house offering moral support and encouragement.

Haresh Salvi, the Indian lawyer, deposed very well and exposed the so-called Pakistani Kangaroo trial in their military. The present government has done everything to show that Pakistan is a lawless country and a banana republic.

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