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Abu Dhabi: Easter Vigil and Solemn Mass mark Grand Easter Celebrations at St Joseph’s Cathedral

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 Abu Dhabi: The solemn Easter Vigil marking the feast of the Glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ was observed at the St Joseph’s Cathedral, on Saturday, 4 April 2015 at 10:30 pm followed by the solemn Easter Mass. A vast number of devotees attended the grand Easter Ceremony.

During the Easter Vigil and prior to blessing of Fire and Paschal Candle all the lights were switched off. The service began at the entrance of the church. A new fire was lit that was blessed by the chief celebrant Bishop Paul Hinder.


During the Easter vigil, five readings-four from the Old Testament and a passage from the Letter of St Paul to the Romans followed by the Gospel from New Testament were read.

Deacon Don in his homily highlighted the significance of Easter and the risen Christ.

Following the homily, the Easter Water was blessed after the recitation of the Litany of the Saints by Rupert Vaz. Baptismal promises were renewed and the faithful were sprinkled with the newly blessed water. A few new candidates were baptized during the Baptism Promises renewal.

The solemn Easter Mass continued and ended around 1:00 am.

Parish Priest Fr Savarimuthu delivered the vote of thanks, he thanked each and everyone involved from day one of the Holy week especially for the preparation of Easter Services.

The English choir led by John Fernandes and his team rendered melodious hymns throughout the celebrations.

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