Home Fit & Fun Entertainment Adam Levine, Behati Prinsloo welcome baby girl

Adam Levine, Behati Prinsloo welcome baby girl

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Adam Levine, Behati Prinsloo welcome baby girl

Los Angeles, Feb 17 (IANS) Singer Adam Levine and model Behati Prinsloo have welcomed their second child together.

They have named their second baby girl Gio Grace Levine.

Levine’s representative confirmed the news on Friday, reports eonline.com.

The couple first announced they were expecting their second child in September.

At the time, Prinsloo took to Instagram to share a photograph of her growing baby bump, writing, “ROUND 2”.

Later, Levine revealed to television personality Ellen DeGeneres that they were expecting another little girl, giving their elder daughter Dusty Rose, a baby sister.

Dusty Rose was born in September 2016.

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