‘Age is Just a Number’ prove Old-Timers at ‘Senior Summer Sports’

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‘Age is Just a Number’ prove Old-Timers at ‘Senior Summer Sports’

Mangaluru: “Ageing is not ‘lost youth’, but a new stage of opportunity and strength”- Betty Freidman; ” Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it does not matter”- Mark Twain; “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young”- Henry Ford-these thought-provoking quotes by eminent persons show that there is no age limit when you are capable of having some fun, and for that matter even take part in sports and cultural event.

And this is what was witnessed at the “Seniors’ Summer Sports and Cultural Festival 2017 at KACES Grounds, Balmatta, Mangaluru on Saturday, 11 February from 8.30 am-5pm, organized by Sahaaya and Mangalore Senior Citizens Association (MSCA), in association with AGE-Mangaluru; Probus Club; Vishwas Trust; Nava Chaitanya KMC; Spoorthi Trust; Lions Club Kadri Hills; DK Pensioners’ Association, Singles; Retired Bank Officers’ Forums of Syndicate Bank; Canara Bank; Corporation Bank; Vijaya Bank; CSI Churches Senior Citizens Fellowship, among others.

With the motto that winning is not important but participating is what is important- a large number of old-timers in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s- and even Dr Olinda Pereira who in her 90 plus joined in the fun of sports and cultural extravaganza, which brought with them the memories of their young days when they were involved in sports and other co-curricular activities. For many, it was high school all over again. There they were, fast footing around the venue either taking part in the fast walk, balancing the plate, Magic carpet shot put or ball throw with their buddies, and enjoying every bit of it.

Speaking to Team Mangalorean, 60 year old Juliet Mascarenhas said, ” One kid asked me what are you doing at this age taking part in sports?’ As if an old lady shouldn’t take part in sports. The thing is, I’m walking, running playing games for the same reason high school kids play — for the excitement, camaraderie and the competition. None of that changes. That’s the amazing thing. And I still love it at this age too. Nothing wrong with that. Old is always gold?”

There was a time when seniors were warned to take it easy and, at all costs, avoid injury. Keep it safe and light like walking or jogging or swimming. But as with so many cultural and social practices, Baby Boomers are forging a new norm for exercising. And that may include dialing back to the early life excitement of team sports. As people age, it’s expected to have aches and pains and some other illness. That’s part of natural ageing. And if you are capable of doing what you like to do, then there is nothing wrong with that- don’t quit, instead enjoy life.

The event began with a prayer invoking God’s blessings rendered by Smt Kusuma Rao and group of Nava Chaitanya-KMC, followed by welcome address by Ramesh Rao- secretary of MSCA. The introduction of the guests was done by Smt Maisie D’Souza and Smt Usha Hebbar. The programme was inaugurated by lighting the traditional lamp by Chief guest KS Bilagi- Principal District and Sessions Judge and Chairman, Dist. Legal services Authority DK, Mangaluru, along with other dignitaries on the dais namely Mallangowda-Sr Civil Judge and Member, Secretary of Dist. Legal Services Authority DK, Mangaluru; Rev Dr Honey Cabral-Principal KTC, Secretary KACES, and Chairman of Sahaaya; Shobha- District Disabled Persons Welfare Officer; P Jagadish Rao-President, MSCA; K Ramesh Rao- Secretary, MSCA, among others.

In his elaborate speech which was very much liked and applauded by the audience, Judge Bilagi said, ” You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.Why do we have to limit ourselves sometimes with wrongful mindsets and worse, Believe those mistaken mindsets? It takes mindfulness to change our thought patterns and if we can read this, we can choose this and achieve new learning and more life-affirming thought patterns. We must live out the best manifestations of ourselves. Indeed, you are never too “old” to set a new goal and dream new dreams! Look at all of you, you are not old, you are still young- and ready to bring out the youthfulness hidden in you”

He further said, ” In today’s civilized social structure, it is disturbing to see a trend of senior citizens being deprived of their comforts, particularly by children being indifferent to their aged parents at a time when the parents need parental care most. Senior parents who need love and care from their children are not getting it. Money is nothing for the old people, they want love from their kids- someone who can talk to them, share some views and news, jokes etc. I only wish that the younger generation learns how to respect and treat their elders.”

Addressing the gathering, Mallangowda said, ” When I see you all I see my own parents age, I increasingly feel a sense of responsibility to care for them. My father and mother have worked tirelessly to give me the life that has today, a life full of opportunities, comfort and privilege. As our parents’ age, it is imperative that as their children we return the favor of caring and loving for them. I’m sure this will resonate with many of you as you see your own loved ones age in front of you. Because they are our mothers and fathers. They are our first teachers. They teach how to love, how to care, how to give, how to forgive, how to accept, and most of all they are our backbone of support. Without their endless sacrifice during our early years, we wouldn’t be capable of what we are today. We need to care for our elders because they deserve to be cared for. Respect and care for our elders start with our parents, our first Gurus. In few years I too will be older like you, and will surely join one of the seniors’ associations here”.

Rev Dr Honey Cabral and Smt Shobha also spoke, and encouraged the seniors to keep active, exercise and make avail all the opportunities either in sports or co-curricular activities, thereby stay young?. The vote of thanks was proposed by B Jairaj K Rai, while Hussain Baji of Nava Chaitnaya-KMC compered the programme. In the sports event, there were- Balancing the plate, 200 mts Fast walk, 200 mts walk, Musical chair, Poison Pass, Magic Carpet, Shot put, Ball throw etc, both for men and women between 60-70 and above.

Prior to the valedictory function held at 4.30 pm, the seniors unleashed some of their hidden talents in the form of songs, jokes, dance and act. The chief guests for the valedictory function were P Ranjan Rao- Advocate, Mangaluru; and U Suryaprakash Bhat- Past Dist. Governor Rotary Dt 3180, along with president and secretary of MSCA on the dais. Prizes were distributed to the winners in various sports categories. The vote of thanks was proposed by PG Shenoy, an active member of MSCA and Hussain Baji compered the function.

In conclusion, looking at all the smiling and happy seniors here at the venue, I remembered my old aged parents who are no more, and I feel sorry for them since they never had all these opportunities provided by various organization for the benefit of the seniors- but as their children, we always respected, loved and cared for our beloved parents when they were alive- even though we three brothers were away in USA for a long time. It’s nice to note that all these organizations are doing a yeomen job in entertaining the seniors- A job well done, folks!

I humbly request the youngsters to love their parents and their grandparents. Because we are human beings and because it is the right thing to do. Humanity plays a crucial role in taking care of our elders. After all, we’re going to be elderly people some day too. The truth is we need our elders and we cannot live without them. There comes a day when they can’t live without us. They need our support just as much as they gave us theirs when we didn’t even ask for it. This brings out the humanity within us. This expression of humanity makes us human. When we act to care for our elders, our children will see that with respect and will act to care for us someday…at least we can hope they will. May God bless the Seniors!

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Juliet Mascarenhas
8 years ago

No event without Alphis presence. Good report. thank you.

Radhika M
8 years ago

Nice and very thought provoking write-up by Alfy-thanks a lot Mangalorean.com for having Alfy in your team. May God bless you all.