AJ Hospital launches ‘ Jeevanvileena’- an Organ Donation Awareness Campaign

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What is brain dead? If a person with head injury, where all the organs function normally except the brain stem (an irreversible condition) is neurologically defined as “brain dead”. Their heart beats but the lungs need to be expanded by mechanical ventilator support to maintain body oxygenation. If left, patient would be dependent on ventilator forever till the heart seizes / stops its function.

‘Heaven’ does not need organs but millions of people will have a fresh lease of life with the organs donated by ‘Brain Dead” patients making ‘Heaven on Earth” for them.

Mangaluru : You may have heard of organ donation now and then, but do you really know what it means? You may also have a preconceived notion about what it means to donate organs. For example, a lot of people think that whenever and however they die, their organs can be donated. That is not true. Organ donation is the process of Retrieving or Procuring an organ from a live or deceased person known as a DONOR. The process of recovering organs is called HARVESTING. This organ is transplanted into the RECIPIENT who is in need of that organ.

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There are two types of organ donation – Live Donation & Deceased or Cadaver Donation. Live Donation is from a healthy and living person. This can only be done in the case of a liver or a kidney (because the liver can grow back to its normal size, and a donor can survive on one kidney). So if a near relative of yours needs a liver or a kidney, anyone in the immediate family can donate to them. When we talk about pledging your organs or about organ donation, we are talking about Deceased organ donation or cadaver organ donation. This is organ donation from a person who has been declared brain dead by a team of authorized doctors at a hospital. A person is said to be brain dead when there is an irreversible loss of consciousness, absence of brain stem reflexes and no spontaneous respiration.

To bring awareness on “Organ Donation”, a campaign was launched by AJ Hospital and Research Centre at City Centre Mall on Sunday, 20 September 2015, in collaboration with Mohan Foundation, Chennai (a non-profit organization that coordinates organ donation and transplantation activities in India), N.S.S. Units of all colleges under Mangalore University. The core objective of the campaign is to bring awareness among the general public on organ donation, its process, legal aspects, pledging, issuing donor card and also the road safety.

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‘Jeevanvileena’-the Organ Donation Awareness Campaign was inaugurated by police commissioner S Murugan by unveiling the campaign logo, in the presence of AJ Shetty- Chairman of AJ Institutions, Tulu film actress Sonal Monteiro, Dr Prashanth Marla- Medical Director-AJ Hospital and Research Centre, and Saud, a executive of City Centre Mall. S Murugan addressing the audience said, ” I compliment AJ Hospital for launching this unique project for a very noble cause. AJ Institute for taking up the noble cause. Organs are very much needed and people should pledge to donate their organs which would save other peoples lives when they are desperately needing it. In the same time motorists should follow traffic rules to avoid accidents, two-wheeler riders should seriously wear helmets to avoid severe injuries or death when accidents happen”.

Dr Prashanth Marla speaking during aoccasion said, “There are estimated about 160 people per million who end up in end stage kidney failure, for which transplantation is the best option. There is a need for 25,000 kidney transplants every year but on the contrary 3,500 transplants are being done per year in India. There is substantial number of people who land up with liver failure too, who require transplantation. It is estimated that about 150,000 die in India due to road traffic accidents, out of which at least 50% people reach hospital and later declared “brain dead”. If about 20% of such people’s relatives come forward for cadaveric organ donation, it will help significant number of patients. In the developed world it is much more common compared to India where it is in the early stage. “Each cadaveric donor can give fresh lease of life to about 50 people, but in India only Liver, Kidneys, Heart valve, Heart and Corneal donations are common. This is a unique project for a great cause. Not many people are not aware of Organ Donation, so in order to bring awareness of Organ Donation, this campaign has been launched, and we seek support from the public to a great extent”

Sonal Monteiro also spoke and urged the public to support this campaign and requested to sign the organ donation pledge form, so that when someone needs an organ it will serve the purpose and help save lives. There was also a question answer session where Dr Preetham Sharma and Dr Sunil Shenoy, both neurologists at AJ Hospital gave suitable information pertaining to organ donation. Students of SDM Law College performed a mime show highlighting the importance of organ donation and how organs are transported from one place to another. The programme also began with a flash-dance by the Sizzling Guys Dance Studio team, which was loudly applauded by the audience. Theme song of the ‘Jeevanvileena’ campaign was rendered by Deepak and team of AJ Hospital.

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The campaign which will last for nearly 20 days comprising of mime show, street plays, interaction by NSS students, Interview of doctors, panel discussion and article publication- the schedule is as follows : On 26/9/2015, Saturday-11.30 am to 12.00 pm, Street Play on “Organ Donation” by N S S students from respective colleges under Mangalore University (120 colleges); 27/9/2015 and 4 Oct.at 5.30 pm at City Centre Mall-Public shows by N S S students and theme oriented dance performance by experts; On 7/10/2015, Wednesday at 9.30 am – an awareness rally from City Corporation Lalbagh via Bejai to A J Hospital; and 10/10/2015, Saturday, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm-Valedictory ceremony at the Auditorium,of A J Institute of Medical Sciences

For further information contact : 8494890800 or Email : transplant@ajhospital.in

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9 years ago

नमस्ते, मुझे देहदान और अंगदान के बारे में अधिक जानकारी चाहिए।