Angel D’Souza Named Senior 100 Honorary Recipients at Illinois

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Urbana:  The University of Illinois Alumni Association has named 100 members of the University of Illinois Class of 2015 to its Senior 100 Honorary.

The accolade is accorded to University of Illinois seniors at the Urbana-Champaign campus who have demonstrated leadership in campus and community activities, as well as excellence in the classroom, during their undergraduate careers. In addition, these graduates are tapped for their potential to apply these skills to the world at large as they continue to actively support the excellence of the University as alumni.

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Angel D’Souza with Keynote Speaker Dr. Pat Basu, MD, MBA, White House Fellow

“The University of Illinois Alumni Association is proud to serve a global network of 690,000 alumni in more than 170 countries,” says Loren R. Taylor, president and CEO of the UI Alumni Association. “As these young people join the ranks of University alumni, we look forward to hearing how they and their Illinois degree are making a mark on the world.”

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Angel D’Souza with her Award Certificate

The Senior 100 Honorary program is coordinated by University of Illinois students who are part of the Student Alumni Ambassadors group in the UI Alumni Association.

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Angel D’Souza with her proud parents – Terry D’Souza and Dr. Austin Prabhu

Angel D’Souza hails from Forest Park who studied Forest Park Middle School, Oak Park Fenwick High School and joined University of Illinois. She will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Advertising with minors in Business, Spanish and Public Relations. She is a proud member of the Students Alumni Ambassadors, Director of TEDx UIUC, Assistant in the Athletics Communication Department of Illini Athletics, Interned with Proctor & Gamble, among other various activities, she intends on continuing her support of all thing orange and blue post grad. Her pride in the University of Illinois will never falter because this University has made her the person she is today and has given her a lifetime of beautiful memories.

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 100 Seniors who were honored at University of Illinois, Urbana

Angel is also a member of The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club in Forest Park. She is the fourth child of proud parents Dr. Austin Prabhu and Terry D’Souza who both served as District 1A Governors of Mother District of Lionism, Chicagoland.

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