Home Agency News Article 370 was Jinnah’s constitution, revoked by BJP: Union Minister Kishan Reddy

Article 370 was Jinnah’s constitution, revoked by BJP: Union Minister Kishan Reddy

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Article 370 was Jinnah’s constitution, revoked by BJP: Union Minister Kishan Reddy

New Delhi: Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy, who is also the BJP’s in-charge of Jammu & Kashmir elections, stated that Article 370 represented Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s constitution and was ultimately revoked by the BJP under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Speaking at a public rally in the Jammu West Assembly constituency on Saturday to support BJP candidate Arvind Gupta, Reddy declared, “We removed Jinnah’s constitution — Article 370 — and implemented Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb

The Union Minister also condemned the National Conference’s recent promises to restore Article 370, calling it a “dangerous” plan to revert to dual flags and empower militants.

He argued that the people of J&K deserve a government focused on strengthening Panchayati Raj institutions and local bodies like municipal committees and corporations. He urged voters to choose prosperity over dynastic politics.

“This election is a movement aimed at ensuring that no party such as NC, Congress, or Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) can ever snatch back the rights of the common people in J&K,” Reddy added.

The BJP J&K elections in charge highlighted the party’s vision for J&K, which he said reflects the legacy of Jana Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mookerjee, who sought to protect the region from dynastic rule and divisive politics.

He claimed that under the BJP’s leadership, militancy in J&K is nearing its end, and the region is entering a phase of peace and prosperity. He described the upcoming Assembly election as a “movement” for the restoration of dignity for women, West Pakistani refugees, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Paharis, Valmiki Samaj, and all residents of J&K.

The Union Minister concluded by asserting that the world is now focused on J&K as India demonstrates how peace, development, and democracy are taking root in the region, urging voters to view the election as a crucial step in securing the rights and future of the people in the region.


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