The Paper Woman
It was the sleek black car that attracted his attention at first. He smiled to himself as it came to a stop at the...
The Ghost of Susheela!
The lightening and thunder literally shook our rickety house. It had been raining cats and dogs for almost a week, and the river near...
Pirates do exist, even today !
In my profession as a Merchant navy officer, I have very often encountered people who think that piracy at sea has been a thing...
You've just about had it with putting in those arduous hours at work and have burnt-up more than your fair share of the midnight...
Stop Smoking- Ask me how!
"I am here. Come!" Someone whispered. I recognized the voice in an instant. I turned around and saw no one.
"Bega bala, yaan moolu ulley...
A Cup Of Hot Coffee
The mere thought of going into the kitchen sent a chill down her spine. There was no one in the house but she really...
Candida D?Souza
This incident happened a few weeks ago, me and two of my close friends were chatting outside a movie hall, when suddenly from...
Scent Of A Woman
Did it bring Al Pacino to your minds? Naa?.for me it's my mama's smell ? I say smell because I remember as a child...
Strangers, Guests and Friends…
Fourth year and running. What tribute do you deserve? the greatest? (?.sure. But they'll say it's the same old clich?).
Ok. How about...
Lady Twilight
Jen stands out from a mile as she sits by the corner with her arms demurely crossed over. A shapely leg is draped casually...