Longing and Belonging
Oh my Lord, I long for a little pat on my back, a word of appreciation, I long for a hug, I long for...
Slice of life
April 9th 2003- 6.45 pm
Dusk, A sleepy old muezzin called the faithful to prayer in his baritone. As the azaan from...
Travel blues and…(reds- Jazeera style)
I am sure all readers, especially expatriates, will agree with me when I say that there is no feeling to match, when you get...
Understanding The Psyche Of Don’s…Bhai’s
"No matter where they run, they just cannot hide". Words from one of Interpol's top officials endorses the view that the long hand of...
Finding Inner Peace..by breaking a few heads
My life was at a time, when I was, as they say, 'on a roll'. I had everything under control, I was fit, had...
An Encounter With Mr. Josh Harris
Three years and change of seasons has not dampened the event of going to the Sentry superstore - if not anything, the darshan of...
Just the other day I received an email, about how every person we interact with or who come into our lives have a purpose,...
The Golden Trumpet (Part II)
The parish council had decided to celebrate the parish feast after a gap of 6 years. Obviously it was going to be a big...
Summer Of 79
The Subarnrekha cascaded down with all her might, a turbid streaming powerhouse, threatening to wash away all that came in her way. As the...
Kidney For Kids! (Concluding part)
The doctor who knew Monica for several years was shocked at her question. She told her that she would not operate on her to...