Iatrogenic death
Usha Srinivasan: Rest in peace
By ixedoc
The third floor corridor is long and dark. The night...
Zen and the Art of Bicycle Falls
My love for bicycles started during the long pillion rides with my brother, to that old mill in Jeppoo where our wheat was to...
Battling Their Consciences
Reminiscing a picturesque afternoon of the beautiful summer in Whistler, Vancouver. Lazy mountains in a lover's embrace with the sunken clouds making it a...
The Last Rites Of Thaniya
Thaniya, the poorest of the poor lived in a village since his birth. He did not even have good clothes to wear. He never...
A Little Street In Cicero
'Don't go to Cicero' the train attendant advised me.'There are bullets on the wall?and they don't like outsiders' So I went back. Back to the...
A Faithful Remembers…
As millions around prayed for the most prominent religious leader in the world, my mind went back to February 1986. The time when Karol...
Of Gully Cricket, Broken Window Panes and Bombay Sherbet!
"If you want to watch cricket played with fervent passion and surgical focus forget the stadiums, go to the gullies" words from the late...
A Mother’s Love!
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother...
To Mama – With Love
There is a whole verse that I read a long time ago, cannot remember the exact words now. However just one line stuck in...
Mangalorean Dot Com: Yours, Mine and Ours
...And one day someone said "let there be a website to bring Mangaloreans, the world over together" and there was Mangalorean dot com. The...