Association of Medical Consultants-Mangaluru Clarifies on Incident inside Highland Hospital

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Association of Medical Consultants-Mangaluru Clarifies on Incident inside Highland Hospital

Mangaluru: Amid the incidents and chaos that arose during the Section 144/curfew in Mangaluru, where police entering Highland hospital during protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act, the Indian Medical Association from New Delhi had sent a press release with stated that it was a “NEW LOW”in the CIVIC LIFE of the NATION, while demanding that such facilities be declared as Safe Zones. Sources reveal that CCTV footage from Highland Hospital ward in Mangaluru had shown that police entering the hospital in search of protesters and even kicking the doors, which was said to be that of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In response to that IMA statement, the Mangaluru Association of Medical Consultants has issued their statements, in order to clarify certain points.

In a press release sent by Chairperson of Medico Legal Cell of AMC-Mangaluru Dr Sathish Bhat states- “AMC Mangaluru finds highly unacceptable, a news report published on 22nd & 23rd December allegedly quoting National lMA. This was regarding stone throwing by protesters and action by police against them. Very surprising is a reference in the news reports, to such a specific incident in Highland Hospital Mangalore on December 19th, even though the Media Release by National IMA from Delhi condemns incidents of violence in general, across the country, and not any specific incident’ . AMC Mangaluru condemns any violent means of protest, including those from within Highland Hospital during the said incident, and violent attacks on a police station in the city earlier in the day, which eventually resulted in a tense situation leading to curfew.

These misguided anti-social elements resorting to violence against the police, are often the same people who create a nuisance in the Hospital and interference in Duty of Doctors for providing Medical treatment. We Doctors often take help of Police when there are incidents of abuse/violence in Hospital, and Police have promptly brought situation under control. How is it any different, when the same police enter hospital to tackle miscreants who create a Law and Order problem on the street, but enter hospitals to hide? We strongly deny any allegation that Police actions amount to denial of healthcare access to the needy’ ln fact, on our inquiry at the incident site, no interference was reported. To further condemn violence by police personnel on patients by the Media reports, is highly unacceptable, as nothing close to this has happened at all.

There is no complaint either, by the Hospital Owners/Doctors either with local Association (Hospital Owner/Doctor)’ Violence in hospitals have mostly been incidents following Medical treatment. However, in case any Hospital get involved in General Law and order situations, we request all Hospitals and Doctors therein to fully cooperate with the police, to help apprehend miscreants and maintain Law & order. IMA fully supports any effort done by Police department as per Law.

Mangaluru is one of the few places in the country where deaths occurred as part of recent protests, and we appreciate the difficult task by police to maintain peace by enforcing curfew for three days from 19 December 2019. Any communication with reference to IMA that implies otherwise is misleading, and to be ignored. lt is unfortunate that many of these violence, involved misguided students, after political propaganda.

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