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Attempt to defame India, TN BJP slams Rahul Gandhi over his remarks in US

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Attempt to defame India, TN BJP slams Rahul Gandhi over his remarks in US

Chennai: Tamil Nadu BJP, on Tuesday, slammed Rahul Gandhi over his remarks against the Prime Minister and the elected government at the Centre.

State Spokesperson of the party A.N.S. Prasad said that Rahul Gandhi’s US tour and his speeches are against India. He charged that Gandhi’s statements against the democratically elected Prime Minister and the Indian people were dangerous and meant to defame the country..

The BJP leader called upon the Government of India to thoroughly investigate his statements, his tour, and the background of his speeches.

He said that the claims of Rahul Gandhi in the US are a classic case of sour grapes, stemming from Congress’ dismal performance in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, and its failures to deliver on empty promises.

Prasad charged that the manifesto of Congress was filled with unrealistic schemes and was a clear attempt to deceive the electorate. He said that the people of the country saw through the lies and Congress’ credibility was at an all-time low.

“The Indian people have given a historic third term to Prime Minister Narendra Modi with a strong mandate, expressing their desire for a prosperous India and a strong nation. This was a strong response to the corrupt opposition parties and foreign forces working against India. Despite their repeated defeats, the opposition parties continue to spread lies, insults, and conspiracy theories to tarnish PM Modi’s image and hinder BJP’s growth.” said Prasad.

He said that Rahul Gandhi has been indulging in “shameless self-promotion by spreading controversies, lies, and insults about India globally”.

The BJP leader said that Rahul was trying to grab attention by belittling PM Narendra Modi’s widely appreciated global initiatives, “which have brought about a renaissance in millions of Indians’ lives by providing basic necessities”.

Prasad said, “Rahul Gandhi’s immature and cowardly politics aim to appease anti-India forces using fox-like tactics. Rahul Gandhi has no right to speak about the Protection of the Indian Constitution, and lacks truth, vision, and long-term thinking.”

“He should realise that India remembers the atrocities committed during the Emergency period,” said the BJP leader.

The BJP Tamil Nadu leader said that Rahul Gandhi speaks ill of the RSS and BJP without understanding their policies and nationalistic long-term thinking, showcasing his ignorance.

He said, “If he wants to become a good citizen, son, and leader, he should join the RSS and undergo training. Only then can he share his opinions.”

ANS Prasad said that In the upcoming assembly elections in Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir, the Bharatiya Janata Party is expected to achieve a massive victory, strengthening the central government led by PM Narendra Modi.

The BJP leader said, “Some individuals are indulging in derogatory campaigning for political gains. However, the people will once again provide a fitting response to such tactics, reaffirming their faith in the BJP’s development agenda.”


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