Fr Cedric Prakash SJ
Your Vote: A Right and A Duty!
Your Vote: A Right and A Duty!
25 January 2019, India observes ‘National Voters’ Day’, once again. Thanks to the stewardship of the then Prime...
Netizens for Democracy
Netizens for Democracy
Given the significance of the subject and the urgency which it entailed – it was an event that had to happen! ‘Netizens...
Stand Up NOW for Human Rights in India!
Stand Up NOW for Human Rights in India!
On almost every sector, India has been faring very poorly on human rights. The situation has been...
We Must Defend Our Constitution!
We Must Defend Our Constitution!
On 26 November, the country observes yet another ‘Constitution Day’, the day on which in 1949, the Constituent Assembly adopted...
End Violence Against Women Now!
End Violence Against Women Now!
According to the United Nations, “Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating...
When Will We Ever Learn…?
When Will We Ever Learn…?
It is exactly eighty years since that infamous night of November 9-10, 1938. The world will never ever forget that...
Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador- A Saint For Our Times!
Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador- A Saint For Our Times!
On Sunday 14 October, Pope Francis will canonize seven women and men as saints...
Goodbye Girishbhai! – a Human Rights Activist, Lawyer, Academician & Fighter for the Poor
Goodbye Girishbhai! - a Human Rights Activist, Lawyer, Academician & Fighter for the Poor
Goodbye Girishbai! (A personal tribute to Girish Patel, doyen of the...
Non-violence Is The Only Way!
Non-violence Is The Only Way!
We live in violent times!
Society today is becoming more and more violent. This violence is augmented by the fact that...
In Pieces: the Right to Peace
In Pieces: the Right to Peace! 21 September was International Day of Peace
On Thursday 20 September, four people were killed in Maryland, US in...