Ave Maria Palliative Care holds Annual Memorial Service for Departed Patients

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Ave Maria Palliative Care holds Annual Memorial Service for Departed Patients

Mangaluru: Ave Maria Palliative Care, a unit of Centre for Development, Studies and Education (Regd.) held its annual memorial service and donor and volunteer appreciation event on the occasion of International Hospice and Palliative Care Day. Prof. Rita Noronha, the Managing Trustee of CEDSE, welcomed the gathering.

A candlelight vigil was held in memory of departed patients. Fr Clifford Fernandes, Professor of Theology, St. Joseph’s Seminary was the chief guest. Addressing the families of departed patients, Fr Fernandes said “ when loved ones are departed from us, it is natural to experience sorrow but it is important to keep the loved ones alive in one’s memory and move on with our lives. There is a need to channelize the sadness into something fruitful and beneficial to society. Further, he added that God has given us two hands one to feed ourselves and the other one to feed others; with one hand we wipe away our tears and with the other try to wipe the tears of others.”

Donors and volunteers were felicitated with a rose sapling which was followed by a twelve-minute music montage depicting the past ten years of service at Ave Maria. Canute Pinto compered. Cyril Fernandes delivered the vote of thanks. The program ended with a fellowship meal.

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