Home Mangalorean News Local News Baliga Murder – Police Raid House of Naresh Shenoy of Yuva Brigade

Baliga Murder – Police Raid House of Naresh Shenoy of Yuva Brigade

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Baliga Murder – Police Raid House of Naresh Shenoy of Yuva Brigade

Mangaluru: A team of city police led by ACP Tilakchandra raided the house of Yuva Brigade convener Naresh Shenoy at Dhanvantari Nagar on Thursday.

Since Shenoy’s link with the murder of RTI activist Vinayak Baliga’s murder was suspected, the raid was conducted by the police.


However, he was not at home. His mother, wife, and child were the only ones present. The police were told that he had gone to Hardwar, a pilgrimage centre in the northern part of India.

Some community members who were close to the deceased Baliga said that it could be like locking the stable after the horse had bolted.

Police from Barke and Bunder had already visited Shenoy’s house on Mar 28 and he was not found. As soon as details of his possible involvement came to the fore, he is said to have gone missing.

Many suspect that the news of the police having an eye on Shenoy may have been leaked out by insiders to enable him to evade arrest. The police say that from Hardwar, he may have travelled to Andaman and Nicobar islands.

A human rights activist said that if he was innocent there was no need for him to abscond. Shenoy’s friends, however, insist that he was not ‘absconding’.

Shenoy was involved in Shri Venkataramana temple’s administration and accounts. Baliga had tracked down the financial irregularities in the temple. Two and two put together, there was a clear suspicion, the activist said.

The activist added that Yuva Brigade had been floated as NaMo Brigade about three years ago, with a view to promoting Narendra Modi as the leader of the future.

It had used hype and creative slogans like getting India ‘Modi-fied’ which worked well with the middle class. After Modi became PM, the name was changed to Yuva Brigade.

The activist further expressed the fear that organizations and fringe outfits were being used as a cover for foul or illegal dealings. He cited the examples of some ‘leaders’ of these outfits. They make use of Modi’s name which instills a sense of awe in public minds.

He also revealed that according to his sources in the investigation team, a builder is also involved in the plot. Besides, the car used in the Baliga killing belonged to a prominent Chartered accountant in the city, who is also involved in the temple accounts.

Curiously enough, they all belong to the same community, he further said.

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8 years ago

What was his name again Lord Rampai? ‘Yuva Brigade Leader’, right?

Wonder why he went to Haridwar? To take a ‘dip-dip-dip’ and ‘cleanse’ himself off his ‘sins’? And say, know-all Rampa and Mangu, why is he absconding?

8 years ago

Two days ago it was stated that a bike was used for killing.
Now it is said that a car is been used?
Sometimes it is not right to believe any source except the POLICE

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

“…why is he absconding” asks Joker Praveena

Well, he is absconding for the same reason your ‘social workers’ went absconding after demolishing a house!! Remember? LOL

8 years ago

Is Naresha Shenoy a Social Worker too? 😉

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

Well, you should ask your ‘social workers’ to find out who are all social workers and who aren’t. LOL

8 years ago

RampaNNA, those so-called “social workers” demolished their OWN house ya Rampa. They didn’t murder a human being! I think your pal Shenoy’mam must have run away to Doobye to distribute some sweets. 🙂

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

“Social Workers demolished their OWN house…” writes Joker Praveena Pinto from his school.

Sure – their OWN house. It explains why they went absconding immediately after demolishing their own house!! LOL That’s what normal people do, right? Whenever we renovate our property, we go missing and hide from Police!! LOL What an illiterate Pinto is!! How does Beef Club produce so many geniuses?

8 years ago

“It explains why they went absconding immediately after demolishing their own house” – Rampa Ayyo, Rampa! They went on a RETREAT ya! 🙂 🙂 🙂 And, EVEN a Rampa like you should be aware that during a ‘retreat’ one cannot be outdoorsy .. doing Disco-dandiya etc. 🙂 And hey, don’t you know that the Judge threw out that case outta the window and further called it “frivolous’? Know what ya Rampa? I know you aren’t getting your daily dose of jollies by reading names of those apprehended at MIA. Moreover, no ‘surathi’ and no ‘Police Vaarthe’ in Yumreeka too! Poor… Read more »

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