Life is a gift of God; everyone values it more than anything in this world. Death is the word which shakes everyone. It is nothing but the harsh truth each one be it the rich, poor, famous, downtrodden has to face it, accept it and give up coz you belong to God.
There are many in this world who do not care for individual’s life. While writing this article my soul trembles coz I am the one who has faced death very closely yet come out of it without any harm.
Its just last week or better to say weekend that I was driving to office happily..full of charm..making weekend plans. I was nearing my office, I was happy that there is no traffic and that I will be on time today. Five minutes before my office I am at the signal…the signal is red, so I stop and wait for green and to my worst of dream there comes a 16 wheel trailor from behind and knocks me. I don’t know what happened to me, I am shaken, my car goes left and right and finally stops. I try to open my door but it does not open, I am scared..coz I can smell the gas ..I fear that my car will be on fire and I push the door, it opens and I come out. I can’t walk as my right knee is injured and my head is spinning. I look at my car and I start crying loudly not believing am alive. One can imagine a trailor hitting a car 4-5 times…my car looks like an auto rickshaw, with only my seat visible. God had protected my seat, I don?t have one bruise just some minor internal injuries.
I am a happily married woman since two years, delivered a baby boy 5 months back. So many reasons to be alive…I had my seat belt on, I had no car in front of me and I was about to hit a light pole when I saw my baby’s face which made me turn the steering wheel. Above all, God wanted me to be alive.
My dad and my husband were shaking when they came to the spot, it was a miracle that I was safe and sound. My car was in pieces and my dad went to hit the trailor driver in anger, and what happened the police stopped him and the driver tells my father, “What’s your problem, your daughter is alive, only car is gone, don’t shout at me” All my closed ones were in tears when they saw me alive.
The driver was an Arabic guy and I am an expatriate, certainly he was given more importance even though it was his fault completely. I was hospitalized and after certain tests I was discharged. After which I had to go to the police station for my statement although I was not in a position to. My dad wanted the driver to be punished as he was not sorry for what he did.
But the police defended him not me…just because I am an expat.
We wanted to file a case against him but the police argued with my father saying that whether he never caused an accident in his life. When my dad argued, he said that the court will harass your daughter so being from a good family just withdraw. Not satisfied my dad still continued and then the police started arguing on a religion base saying one has to forgive and forget. It’s disgusting to hear an argument over religion and finally I gave up. If at all I would belong to the same country I would not have to argue my point or if the driver would be an expat, he would be punished severely without even asking us, Isn?t it unfair??? Life of each individual is same, but valued differently accordingly!!!
Author: Sonia Earl Joy- UAE