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Bengaluru murder: 4 police teams sent to Odisha to nab accused, says K’taka Home Minister

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Bengaluru murder: 4 police teams sent to Odisha to nab accused, says K’taka Home Minister

Bengaluru: Karnataka Home Minister G. Parameshwara on Wednesday said that four police teams have been sent to Odisha to nab the Mahalaxmi murder case accused.

Speaking to reporters in Bengaluru, Parameshwara said that the police teams had been sent to Odisha after getting information that the accused was hiding there.

“Once the accused is arrested, all details about the case will be known. Police have taken two to three persons into custody. Evidence pointed out towards the person in Odisha,” Parameshwara stated.

The murder case came to light after neighbours noticed a foul smell emanating from Mahalaxmi’s house for two days and informed her relatives. Mahalaxmi’s mother and sister came to her house on Saturday and witnessed the horrifying scene.

Mahalaxmi was murdered, her body was chopped into more than 50 pieces and stuffed in a fridge, police said.

Though the refrigerator was operational, the body had been infested by maggots. A suitcase was found near the fridge.

The police suspect that Mahalaxmi was murdered around the beginning of the month and her body was cut into pieces by a sharp-edged weapon like a knife or a sword.

Mahalaxmi, who hailed from Tripura, worked at a popular mall here.

According to residents of the area, where Mahalaxmi had been living for five months, she lived alone and did not mingle much with her neighbours. For a few days, her brother stayed with her.

The police have also found that she was married and had a son, but lived separately.

On Monday, Bengaluru Police Commissioner B. Dayananda said: “We have clear information about the accused who has committed the crime.”

The accused hails from another state and was residing in Bengaluru, Dayananda said.

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