Blood Donation and Sixth Day of Novena at Annual Feast of Infant Jesus Shrine

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Blood Donation and Sixth Day of Novena at Annual Feast of Infant Jesus Shrine

Mangaluru: The highlights of the day was the Blood Donation Camp organized at the Shrine premises. Following dignitaries were present: Fr. Richard Coelho, Director of Fr. Muller’s Hospital, Ashok, Inspector of Nagori, Kankandy Police Station, Fr. Wilfred Rodrigues, Superior of St. Joseph’s Monastery and Fr. Prakash D’ Cunha, Shrine Director. Dignitaries addressed the gathering and congratulated the organizers for the wonderful and humanitarian act. Many people volunteered to donate blood.

Sixth Day Novena held on 10 January at the Carmel Hill Shrine

“Joyfullness- Sign of Holiness” was the theme of the Seventh Day of novena to Infant Jesus Novena. The day was dedicated to pray for the ELDERLY and THE SICK. There were 9 Holy Masses in different languages. The preachers of the day focus on ‘How one can be joyful even amidst sickness and old age. The Shrine was visited by more than 5000 devotees who sought healing from Infant Jesus, and also gave him thanks for all favours received during the last years. Frs. Wilfred Frank OCD, Fr. Nelson Almeida, Fr. Boniface Pinto, Jeppu Seminary, Fr. Andrew D’ Souza, Fr. Richard D’ Souza, Fr. Archibald Gonsalves OCD, and Fr. Jerald Sagar, were the novena preachers of the day. Eucharistic Adoration was conducted by Fr. Andrew D’ Souza. The kannada prayer service was conducted by Fr. Jerald Sagar.

Priests were available for the sacrament of confession and blessing. Many Sick and elderly visited our Shrine and sought the blessings and healing touch of Infant Jesus. All the faithful participated in the lunch arranged in the premises.

More Details about the Annual Infant Jesus Shrine Feast on

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