Caged Pages

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Caged Pages

Dust swirls in this forgotten library
Some settle down on me too
On my once bright white pages
On my once dark ink, now fading

Knowledge I shine like a lighthouse
Though the fog of dust covers me thick
Though it fights bright through the haze
Forever unreachable no one to read

In the ornate wooden carved oak chest
With once clean and clear designed glass
I and my friends, lay alone in anticipation
Waiting for those hand to flip through us

Word we have, but voices none
Languages many yet heard by none
Etched on the now-crumpling pages
Words in fonts of countless ages

Stories plenty we have to share –
Of kings and knights and queens so fair
Yet bound in leather their lives unread
In flesh and ink, they are all dead

But yet there is hope in her hands
That rusted key to my now-long tomb
Opens If she, finds no scent of decay
But wisdom, my caged pages offer

I plead to the maiden of hope – open.
Unshackle the cage, release my pages
Let ink breathe and silence shatter,
As she dives into my tales and lore

Let glass doors open, let fresh air flow
Let dust take flight off my crumplings
Let knowledge shine and spread to all
For a tale unread is a voice unheard

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