She Came, She Saw, She Conquered, YOGA! Bahraini Lady Now Promotes It in Gulf & World!

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She Came, She Saw,She Conquered, YOGA! Bahraini Lady Now Promotes It in Gulf & World!

She Came to India, She Saw, She Conquered- Yoga! Bahraini Woman Prof Fatima Al Mansoori, a Yoga Therapy Specialist, Yoga practitioner, Yoga researcher, Yoga teacher, and an Adjunct Professor of Mangalore University. The graphic designer, who ran her own firm in Bahrain, said the reason for her ailment was a major accident which resulted in head injuries, unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. She says that it was yoga, yogic lifestyle and self-healing that came to her rescue and cured completely when she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and narcolepsy, caused by a disorder known as fibromyalgia. After reaping these benefits of Indian heritage, Fatima is now popularizing them in the Gulf countries and other Western countries.

Mangaluru: Team Mangalorean had an opportunity to meet Bahraini Woman Prof Fatima Al Mansoori, a Yoga Therapy Specialist, Yoga practitioner, Yoga researcher, Yoga teacher, and an Adjunct Professor of Mangalore University, during a Special lecture programme organised in the University College, Mangaluru. Prof. Krishna Sharma, Department of Yogic Science Mangalore University, Dr. Uday Kumar, Principal University College Mangalore, Dr.Anasuya Rai, Mr. Dayakar Coordinators; Department of Commerce and Yogic Science were present on the occasion.

Prof Fatima Al Mansoori’s Professional Summary- she is an Internationally accredited Institutional Yoga Therapist Specialist and Wellness & Lifestyle Coach. She is also a Health care practitioner, Yoga practitioner, Yoga researcher, Yoga teacher Her healing journey started after she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and narcolepsy caused by a disorder known as Fibromyalgia. When Doctors told her there was no cure and the prescribed medications failed, Fatima sought the path of self-healing adopting a Yogic Lifestyle which completely cured her condition over time. Later, when people asked her for advice, she realized her mission in life. She set out to learn more and to make herself available to serve people and dedicate her life to helping others increase their self-awareness.

She is a well known well being influencer, She has designed a unique treatment protocol and was able to guide hundreds of patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle resulting in finding relieve from chronic conditions and improving quality of life since she begin her journey in 2011, leading to her appointment at the BDF Hospital (Bahrain Defense force Royal Medical Services) in 2014, she is also an International Speaker and a columnist with several well known Newspapers and Magazines, she appeared in many Radio and TV shows. She Received more than 40 awards for her contributions and Community Engagement Activities Including Honorary Champion for Peace Membership from The World Connection of Champions of Peace and many other awards and Certificates of Appreciation from Global Organizations, Ministries, Universities and Institutes.

Her Education/Experience credits are – Yogic Science, Department of Human consciousness & Yogic sciences, Mangalore University; Yoga Instructor Course (Batch 146) Svyasa, Bangalore; SDM Therapist Course (Stop Diabetes Movement) Yoga Therapy for prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus; Integrated Yoga Therapy Internship (Holistic Research Health Home, Bangalore); Ayurveda Lifestyle Management; Ashtanga Yoga & Yoga Therapy; Ayurveda Nutrition; Ayurveda Psychology; Herbology / Advanced Yoga Therapy; Yoga for scoliosis; Transforming Trauma; and Macrobiotics 4 levels translator, KI Institute of Natural Healing

Fatima has been a dedicated social worker involving in various Social/Volunteer Organizations in Bahrain like Ministry of Health; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Labour & Social Development; Ministry of Works; University of Bahrain; BDF Hospital Royal Medical services; Health Promotion Directorate; Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co.; Bahrain Airport Company; Bahrain Mobility International; Bahrain Petroleum Company; National Bahrain Bank Health Center; Bahrain Society for Training & Development; Abdelrahman Kanoo Culture Center; Muharraq Municipality; Muharraq Municipal Council; Al Reef Society; Indian Club; Social Media Club; Bahrain Parents Care Society

Cancer Care Group; Information Center for Women & Children; Dentist’s Lifestyle Conference & Exhibition; Supreme Council of Women; Bahrain Society of Engineers; GRAMCO Medical Services & -Occupational Health; Bahrain Society for S.C. D Patients Care; Salmaniya Medical Complex Eye Department; Islamic Association; Awal Women Society; Jidhafs Youth Center; and Hope Institute for Special Education

Revealing Fatima’s story; her 180 degree turn in life: Successful entrepreneur and graphic designer, Fatima Al Mansoori, almost gave up because of her poor health. She was already running a successful ad agency and had released the highly acclaimed VIP publication Prime Magazine when she was diagnosed five years ago with chronic fatigue and narcolepsy, a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness.Narcolepsy is caused by fibromyaglia, a long-term condition which cases pain all over the body and affects sleep. Ms. Al Mansoori’s work started to suffer because she felt tired and sleepy most of the time.

She tried everything to find a solution to her medical problems and turned to all sorts of medications and treatment, including physiotherapy, but her health continued to deteriorate.Then one day, fate stepped in. Ms. Al Mansoori made a decision which would change her life and that of others. “When all my attempts of recovering and getting back to work failed, I decided to stop fighting and just surrender to God’s will. Only then, I got a sense of peace and spent more time meditating and it felt as if I was doing yoga,” recalled Ms. Al Mansoori. “Although I had minimum or no knowledge about yoga, something sparked inside of me, and I believe I was guided by God to go to India to study and get healed,” she added.

Discovering her ‘true calling’: Not travelling with the intention of a career shift, Ms. Al Mansoori, who describes herself as a ‘workaholic’ with a passion to achieve 100 per cent in everything she does, was just thinking of getting healed when she packed her bags to India. ‘‘Frankly, I wasn’t even thinking that yoga can actually help me recover. I just thought of it as something to get me out of the illness circle! So I travelled to South India and did courses one after the other, starting with Yoga Therapy, then Ayurvedic lifestyle management, psychology, nutrition and also Herbology.”Combining everything that she learned, Ms. Al Mansoori applied it with full determination and consistency.

It took her three months of continuous yoga practice and lifestyle/ diet management to notice results, six months to feel better and eight months to get ‘back to life.’ However, it is only when people also started to visit her for consultation, treatments and advice, did she realize that this was her ‘true calling.’ “I decided to make myself available and not look back to my hard-earned career and dedicate myself to helping people instead. After all, when yoga practice grows on you, you no longer have interest in worldly matters and be materialistic,” she enthused.

More than just meditation: Suggesting that the people in Bahrain should consider adopting these holistic practices, as it is not a way of life but a complete system of self healing, the Yoga Therapy and Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management Coach, stated that she used it successfully with cases of anxiety and depression. Many of the patients who visited her reported that they started feeling better after undergoing this kind of treatment and were able to discontinue taking anti-depressants within few weeks of practising Yoga. “Yoga teaches us patience because it balances and grounds us. It can also influence us to live a healthy lifestyle and drop bad habits. The gentle, ancient yogic techniques are designed to cleanse the body by releasing accumulated stress and toxins and returning it to a healthy state so that internal systems function better,” she explained.

Ms. Al Mansoori also discussed the intriguing healing system of Ayurveda and stressed that the human body is made out of the five elements of the universe – fire, air, earth, space and water. She said that when these elements are balanced, this results in good health and when the balance is disturbed, this leads to diseases. “When there is a disease, it means that there is an imbalance in the body. Analysing the body’s constitution is a diagnostic tool to understand the body type and the aim of the treatment is to restore balance. After diagnosing the problem, we decide appropriate herbal medicines, lifestyle management and suitable diet for the patient,” she said. Ms. Al Mansoori has also designed a treatment for allergy and sinus infection and problems in breathing, through yoga and Ayurveda. “I have designed this treatment specifically for breathing problems and got excellent feedback from patients. The treatment includes training on yogic deep breathing and breathing techniques, steaming, acupressure and herbal oil inhalation,” she stated.

Challenge yourself continuously: A definite icon of motivation and willpower, the yoga coach advised women to listen to themselves, do what they love, turn obstacles into opportunities, and never give up. “And when you do make it, remember that there’s always room for improvement and keep challenging yourself’,” she concluded. Ms. Al Mansoori provides lifestyle management advice and diet recommendations based on one’s Ayurveda Biological Constitution Body-Mind type, as well as interactive personalized Yoga Therapy sessions to suit individual needs.

More excerpts from the exclusive interview:

Q: Being successful entrepreneur, how come you decided to spend more time towards yoga promotion?

To help people who are in need of change in their lifestyle and who want to make difference in their lives. No more graphics designing for me.

Q: Has Yoga brought significant changes in your life?

Surely it has- I am cured from my disease; has brought positive change in my personality; has brought peace and acceptance; I have a better lifestyle than before I took up yoga.

Q: Do people take your advice seriously and has it brought any changes in their lives?

Yes it has-many think that I’m a doctor when I give them advice. They have full trust in me and trust my advices. I share my experiences with them so that they could look forward to make a difference in their lives. Trust me yoga does cure you- and when people need advice they come rushing to me. I make them more comfortable in my advices by showing few testimonials.

Q: Coming from a Muslim family, did you face any obstacles since yoga is very much connected to Hindu religion?

That is not true, that Yoga is strictly attached to Hindu religion. Most people think that when you are a strictly vegetarian person, means that you are influenced by Hindus or Buddhists. For a while my family was not happy with my vegetarian diet, but now they are very supportive and think veg food is more healthy. A few other relatives earlier were little against my love for yoga, but now they too are supporting my initiative and yoga concept.

Q: How has the response towards your awareness on yoga been in Bahrain?

I started my promotion on yoga in Bahrain in 2011, and it went on in full fledged in the year 2102-13. I had very good response based on my actual experiences on yoga, and many were related to yoga. I have over 30,000 followers online, and 200 plus members in Bahrain. The Bahrain people are a very cultured people with lot of values, the older humble generation is however being slowly edged out, and added to it are certain radical elements who try hard to subvert the young minds. But now yoga has become more accepted in Bahrain, more people are coming forward to learn it. I visit hospitals, conduct workshops for doctors, bureaucrats and others. Most patients that I’ve come across had a positive experience. I have many success stories from patients, who have able to overcome chronic conditions. I also want to establish AYUSH Association in Bahrain.

Q: Other than Bahrain, where else have you started or planning to introduce your yoga classes?

I get lots of requests from my fans in various countries. I took part in a conference in USA, where my yoga presentation was highly applauded. I am looking into talking my yoga classes to Saudi Arabia, also Bosnia and Germany. I’ve also conducted workshops in Saudi Arabia, India and USA. I will take my yoga classes wherever opportunity strikes. My next goal is to set up an Ayush Association and take yoga to every nook and corner of the world.

Q: What are your future objectives?

I would like to promote sustainable lifestyles which can have a great Impact on quality of life, health and well being of the population; Want to establish, develop and spread awareness of clinical Yoga Therapy in Bahrain and the GCC region so that it becomes an essential supportive component in governmental hospitals and primary care centers; I want to gather evidence on the effectiveness of Integrated Yoga Therapy for the treatment of different ailments and to promote and encourage research in the field; I want to introduce Yoga into the curriculum at schools in Bahrain and the region.

Q: What is your message to the readers of

We often live a life in a way to enjoy it without paying attention. My sincere message is that -anyone suffering from chronic conditions or any other diseases that haven’t been cured through medicines, the body will heal by itself by living s holistic yogic lifestyle, where you can allow your body to heal by itself and not by suffering. There is a lesson to learn when we struggle, and once we realize it and make it change, we’ll overcome it. Have confidence and faith in you. Trust me, Yoga can cure -you’ll have to take the gauntlet by taking it up to believe it.

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