Capt John Prasad Menezes Elected Chairman of Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers, Chennai 

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Capt John Prasad Menezes Elected Chairman of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers East India branch Chennai

Chennai: The Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers headquartered in London is the professional body for all members of the commercial shipping industry worldwide. It was founded in 1911 and awarded a Royal Charter in 1920. It is the only internationally recognised professional body in the commercial maritime arena and it represents Ship Brokers, Ship Managers and Agents throughout the world. It has 27 branches in key locations across the world with 4000 individual members and fellows. India has two branches viz. in Chennai and Mumbai.

ICS East India Branch held its 28th AGM at the Seafarers Club on Saturday, 16th September 2023. Business related to the previous year was reported with resolutions for the forthcoming year were passed. As it was an election year, the new committee for the years 2023-25 were elected and declared as follows by the Returning Officer and outgoing Chairman M Sayeeraman FICS:

• Office Bearers:

Chairman – Capt. John Prasad Menezes FICS

Vice Chairman – Ms Arathi Narayanan MICS

Hon Secretary – Capt. Lalit Kumar FICS

Hon Treasurer – Mr. Noorul Amin MICS

•  Executive Committee Members:

Mr M Sayeeraman FICS

Mr Ravi Tittei FICS

Capt. KG Ramakrishnan FICS

Mr CG Prashanth FICS

Mr Sai Kumar FICS

Education Officer – Ms Arathi Narayanan MICS

• Regional Representatives

Mr K C Shivmanohar FICS – Tuticorin

Capt Ally Dagman – Kolkatta

Ms Pankhuri Poddar FICS – Delhi

Mr G V R Mohan Rao, FICS – Visakhapatnam

Mr Manfred Karkada, MICS -Mangalore and Bangalore

Capt R S Kishore Kumar, MICS – Kochi

The AGM was followed by a seminar on ‘Global Security and Maritime Security, Issues and Imperatives’, conducted by Professor Dr Bidanda Chengappa, Member-Secretary, Institute of Contemporary Studies Bangalore (ICSB), a Security Studies think tank, which undertakes continuing education programs for the state police, intelligence services, customs services, news media in national security/ area studies.

Dr Chengappa cited issues on maritime security and global security. He enlightened the audience on the Russia-Ukraine War, the China-Taiwan undercurrents, the presence of US Naval forces in the Indian Ocean, and the India-China chess moves. An insightful lecture and Q&A Session that followed left food for thought for everyone present.

Participants included fellow members of the Institute and students from the Indian Maritime University. The event concluded with fellowship and dinner.

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