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Capuchin Fr ‘Rocky’ Furtado ‘Rocks’! Hand Writes Entire Bible in Just Two Years

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Capuchin Fr ‘Rocky’ Furtado ‘Rocks’! Hand Writes Entire Bible in Just Two Years

Capuchin Fr Rocky Furtado ‘Rocks’! Hand Writes Entire Bible in Just Two Years. Fr Rocky Dayanand Furtado, a Capuchin originally from the parish of Brahmavar-Udupi Diocese, and presently serving as a Charismatic guru in Capuchin Friary at Kripa Sadan in Ranchi, has completed the herculean task of preparing a manuscript of the entire Bible from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation thereby setting an example on how the Word of God could be meditated upon while writing it in one’s own hand and having an inner experience of how God works in the history of humankind as well as in the history of each one’s life.

Mangaluru: Imagine in the present world where everything is Composed/Drafted using computers, but here is a story of a religious person who has completed the herculean task of preparing a manuscript of the entire Bible from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation thereby setting an example on how the Word of God could be meditated upon while writing it in one’s own hand and having an inner experience of how God works in the history of humankind as well as in the history of each one’s life. This person has made the Word of God scripted in His own hands as Lectio Divina, with his rare feat thereby setting an example to many more to make the Words of God as their Mother Tongue.

Like they say that the “Pen is mightier than the Sword”, Fr Rocky has proved it by his rare feat through Word and Pen in spreading the Word of God. And best of all His handwriting is neat and awesome. No doubt Fr Rocky has done something unique and extraordinary for the Lord, hopefully will inspire everybody to Read, Write and Meditate on the Holy Bible. Elaborating his experience of writing the entire Bible, Fr Dayanand affirms that it enriched his faith in the Word of God, deepened his spirit of contemplation and inspired him to pray more using the Word of God. On the whole, it was a transforming experience, he says. Completion of each book of the Bible strengthened him in faith and has made him reflect on how God acted in history and intervenes in human condition as a God who liberates.

Communicating with Team Mangalorean, Fr Rocky Furtado’s brother, Fr Vincent Gabriel Furtado of ‘Kripalaya’-Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Mysuru gave the complete details, where he stated, ” It all began when the bishop of Bareilly diocese, Dr Ignatius D’Souza announced a competition in the mid-year of 2016 to write the New Testament and win a prize. The announcement inspired Fr Dayanand to take on the challenge. The Ashram setting where he then lived provided a peaceful and tranquil ambience to concentrate on the Word of God as he wrote for several hours each day.”

“He completed all the 27 books of the New Testament before Christmas 2016 and then challenged himself to try the Old Testament (OT) as well. The immense joy of contemplation on the New Testament as he wrote impelled him to commence the OT on the very first day of January 2017 beginning from the Pentateuch, the first five books of the OT. He gradually discovered that it was not an easy task to complete the OT; there were moments when he felt tired and exhausted, coupled with power cut and the problem of sitting for long hours under candlelight etc, made him sometimes diffident and doubt whether he could reach his goal.”

“However, there was never a thought of giving up after completing the Pentateuch; he then went onto the Historical Books, Wisdom Literature and finally the Prophets and the remaining books. The Book of Prophets was most tedious, but his determination to complete the Bible was strong enough to prod him on. September 26, 2017 dawned with the completion of the last page and last sentence of the Bible. The catholic edition of the revised standard version of the Bible can be now found at Jyotiniketan Ashram, Kareli in the diocese of Bareilly as a lasting remembrance of its Acharya, the animator for the last 26 years.”

The Jyothiniketan Ashram was founded by a British protestant pastor, which was then handed over to a Capuchin priest Swami Augustine Deenabandhu when he left India for good. Fr Augustine a shining example of contemplation guided it for 20 years and breathed his last in the Ashram. Fr Rocky Furtado OFM Cap, a missionary of St Fidelis Province, North India (originally hailing from the parish of Brahmavar, Udupi diocese) was asked by the superiors to step into the shoes of his predecessor and be the animator. He led an austere life as a contemplative for 26 years under the name ‘Swami Dayanand’.”

It is learnt that the Ashram is now transformed into a charismatic prayer centre. Fr Rocky Furtado was recently transferred to the Capuchin Friary at Kripa Sadan in Ranchi, where he continues his contemplative life as a Capuchin Guru, under the same name Swami Dayanand.

Team Mangalorean extends heartfelt congratulations to Fr Rocky ‘Dayanand’ Furtado for his extraordinary skills in handwriting the Bible with dedication and patience, and accomplishing his mission. May God bless Him in his missionary work.

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William Lewis & fly
6 years ago

Congratulations Fr Rocky on accomplishing your mission.

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