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Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh Releases Invitations of ‘Samudayotsava 2020’

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Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh Releases Invitations of ‘Samudayotsava 2020’

Udupi: The invitations of ‘Samudayotsava 2020’ to be held at the Mount Rosary Church premises Santekatte, Kallianpur were released during a programme held at the Catholic Sabha Central Office auditorium on Thursday, 12 December 2019.

The invitations were released by Fr Dr Leslie D’Souza, parish priest of Mount Rosary Church. Speaking on this occasion, Fr Leslie D’Souza said that when there are opportunities to bring changes in the society many positive changes can be achieved.

He further said that God has given special talents to each and every one. However, there is a need to put these talents into good use and ‘Samudayotsava 2020’ would provide such an opportunity to the community. He hoped that through various programmes that would be organized during the ‘Samudayotsava 2020’ the Christian community will be able to manifest its unity and spread the spirit of harmony and cooperation in the society at large.

More than 6,000 Christian community members are expected to participate in the ‘Samudayotsava 2020’. During the occasion, those individuals who have achieved excellence in five fields, as well as those with lifetime achievements, will be honoured. Besides, children outside Udupi District who have commendable achievements will also be honoured. During this programme, the problems faced by the Christian community and the future course of action will be discussed and debated. Eleven poor students of the community will be provided with financial help to continue their education by the Samudaya Seva Trust.

Though the chief aim of the ‘Samudayotsava 2020’ is to unify the Christian community, the surplus amount from the donations collected for this purpose will be utilized for assisting the needy persons for education, health and housing. This information was given by Walter Cyril Pinto, President of the Samudya Seva Trust.

Dion D’Souza-President of ICYM Udupi Diocese and Pramila D’Sa-President of Catholic Stree Sanghattan were the guests of honour during this programme.

Alwyn Quadros-President of Catholic Sabha, Udupi Pradesh, Secretary Santosh Cornelio, Valerian Fernandes-Immediate Past President, Walter Cyril Pinto-President of Samudaya Seva Trust, Alphonse D’Costa and Dr Jerald Pinto-Former Presidents of the Catholic Sabha were present.

Alwyn Quadros welcomed the gathering and Santosh Cornelio delivered the vote of thanks.

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