CHEERS! Happy Days are Back Again for Tipplers as they Queue Up to Buy Their Favourite Booze

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CHEERS! Happy Days are Back Again for Tipplers as they Queue Up to Buy Their Favourite Booze

Mangaluru: It’s a MANIC MONDAY! Finally, the day arrived for all those Tipplers who were anxiously waiting for the liquor shops to open, so that they could buy their favourite wine, beer or hard liquor. But it is kind of surprising that not even a SINGLE person was in the queue until 7:30 am-8:00 am, at the liquor shops in the City. Yours Truly took a ride around the City as 6 am this morning, but found no one standing inside the square or circle social distancing spots or in the queue until 8:00 am.

When social distancing means no social drinking, not even a convivial beer or glass of wine, and lockdown translates to no alcohol at all with bars and retail outlets firmly shut, spirits take a nose dive mild depression for some and outright despair for many others. COVID-19 being the great equalizer, the nationwide lockdown, which began on March 25 and was relaxed on May 4, has been a sobering experience for thousands of tipplers in the city going without their every day or occasional tipple.

While the once-in-a-while drinkers missed saying ‘cheers’ as often as they’d like, there was a surge in withdrawal cases. Those with problems of alcohol dependence were most seriously hit with no access to alcohol or de-addiction centres and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous that help them cope with their addiction. With all watering holes and liquor stores shut, only stores selling essentials were open in the lockdown period — even the affluent with liquor shops stocked with premium gin, vodka and single malts were running low on stocks. “I have maintained a good stock over the years I won’t tell you the quantity but it was more than enough. But then the lockdown and now the extension took all of us by surprise and for once even I was worried that my booze stock would run dry, but I made it right in time for the liquor shops which opened today” said Aaron, a businessman.

Many, even among the affluent, were seen rationing their drinks and borrowing from others who might have some extra bottles stashed away, during the lockdown. Many had committed suicide, including a few in Udupi who couldn’t live without alcohol- but today came as a relief for many alcoholics to come out of their stress and depression-with no booze! Many tipplers were even consuming sanitizers in the place of liquor. Few chemists stopped the sale of chemical-based sanitisers after people, chasing a high, were found to be buying large amounts and drinking the liquid. Those with time, tech and access to varied ingredients had taken the matter in their own hands. From homemade mead to wine fermented from rice, tipplers had tried it all to put an end to their sobriety period. There have also been numerous reports of desperadoes breaking into liquor shops to steal whatever they could lay their hands on. But 4 May was indeed a big relief for these people, who had been waiting for this day to arrive, more than a month after liquor shops were closed.

The FIRST person in the queue at Wines and Spirits, Kadri, Mangaluru was Tony Pinto, aged 61, who said, “Even though I have three bottles of Johnie Walker Scotch at home brought by my son from Gulf, but I don’t drink anything liquor other than DSP whisky. I hope they will sell me a few bottles since they say that the limit is only 2 bottles. 4 May made my day, which I have been waiting for so long. Cheers!”. The first customer to be in the queue at M Pais and Sons Liquor Store, near Town Hall/Maidan Road, was a woman, who also bought DSP whisky, (quantity she kept a secret) not for her but for her husband, who is bedridden due to a fall.

At Wine Gate, Balmatta-the first person in the queue was Ramesh Shetty, who had a big list, like 2 bottles of Rum, 1 bottle of Vodka, 2 bottles of Whisky and 1 case of beer- I am not sure whether the store sold all the items to him. Yet another man standing in the queue at Wines and Spirit, Kadri was Lawrence who said that he would buy as many bottles of whisky that they would sell him, because of fear, that liquor shops may once again close in few days-you never know, with all these games politicians play. Ar Ruby’s Wines, near KACES, Balmatta, the first person on the line was Thippe Gowda, who wanted to buy his favourite brand- one bottle of Mysore Lancer Whisky (cheap stuff)- and that’s all he could buy, from the money he had.

While some liquor shops had long queues, other small liquor stores had a smaller crowd, but the police were monitoring the whole situation, making an announcement about the guidelines to follow-like social distancing and to wear face masks. Finally, Producers and manufacturers were successful in putting an end to the seemingly endless dry days. Liquor Associations have even written to various state governments and the Centre to allow beer and alcohol sales to resume with adequate safeguards incorporated- and since they lost over 25 per cent of sales for the year a loss of nearly Rs 15,000 crore. By shutting down retail shops, the government deprived themselves of the tax revenues that are so vitally required in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

On the other hand, it is learnt that Alcohol compromises the body’s immune system and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes. Therefore, people should minimize their alcohol consumption at any time, and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the WHO has in an advisory. For many other tipplers, even during the lockdown, Liquor was available in plenty – all you need to know was a number to call or know some people who can arrange liquor. Even though the dry days had literally taken the fizz out of the City’s party animals, however, some party people have already decided to have social spree at their homes, inviting friends-having stocked up their refrigerators with their customary weekend beer, hard liquor and wine coolers. But there are some who are worried to have some parties at home, fearing that they may get busted by cops for Covid guideline violations. But Mangaloreans know how to fool the city cops, anyhow- no matter what?

So, that was all about the fun and buying spree of liquor by the tipplers today, who have been waiting for a long period. Anyways, happy days are back again, and Hic..Hic..Hooray to raise your glasses or bottles and say “CHEERS!” . And the party has already started, and to beat the summer heat, the dancing crowd is going crazy to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” song- listen and enjoy-

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