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Mangaluru: Palm Sunday is one of the most important day, to mark the Holy week it is observed on the previous Sunday of Easter. This year the Palm Sunday was celebrated on March 20, in all the churches in the city.
In Infant Jesus Shrine Hundreds of Christians marched in a procession to the church, holding palm leaves which were earlier blessed by the priests. The Palm Sunday has a message to the entire world since it was ascertained that good always wins over evil.

Jesus demonstrated His absolute obedience to the father and he lived His life with simplicity. Sometimes, when we have more wealth and power, we live with ego and take everything for granted, which is not the sign of Christianity. We are here in this world for a few days, we need to live our life with simplicity and need to help others who are in need.
On this day in Biblical times, Jesus Christ made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem where thousands of his disciples welcomed him and waved palm leaves signifying the victory of good over evil. Palm Sunday is also the beginning of the holy week.
Palm Sunday is the re-enactment of the biblical event. Christians who welcomed Jesus covered the path he walked in Jerusalem with palm leaves. Thereafter he began his journey to the cross, which included the Last Supper and the Crucifixion and, three days later, Resurrection. Palm Sunday is the precursor to the chain of events.
Pics by Kiran Fernandes, Team Mangalorean
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