City’s Drains are ‘Drainless’ Made by People who’re ‘Brainless’?

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City’s Drains are ‘Drainless’ Made by People who’re ‘Brainless’?

MCC Simply Draining Tax Payer’s Money!  ‘Cause City’s Drains are ‘Drainless’ (Drainless meaning:  impossible to drain) Made by People who’re ‘Brainless’? (Brainless meaning: Unintelligent, Ignorant, Mindless, Silly, empty-head, etc)

Mangaluru: Drive, ride or walk around the nook and corners of the so-called “Smart City-Mangaluru”, you’ll notice water overflowing into streets, creating a pool of water stranded on the road. The recent work on the drainage system done by the MCC Engineers, and their contractors and laborers seems like as if they are totally brainless, thereby draining the hard-earned taxpayer’s money. As part of the Smart City Development project new drainage has been constructed but every time there is a heavy downpour the City is flooded- and the drainage gushing into the road halts traffic and pedestrian movement for hours. And such incident highlights how lack of civic sense exacerbates the problem of maintaining the city’s network of SWDs, which are supposed to enable passage of rainwater to various lakes and thereby, prevent flooding during rains.

So the question, every citizen asks is “What good is it have these new drainage systems, when the water is still overflowing onto to the streets, and flooding it- and this is due to the shabby and incomplete work of the so-called “Engineers”, and also the contractors. Now as Mangaluru city and adjoining areas in Dakshina Kannada will continue to receive heavy rain in the forthcoming days, has anyone from MCC taken any action to rectify the areas where water is gushing out from the drainage, and also bad road planning. Just look at the new roads constructed recently-none of them have a proper footpath nor proper drainage. So where do you think the rainwater has to flow if there is no drainage- unfortunately, on to the road.

MCC needs to coordinate and sort out the reasons for the bad work and its impact during work. Apart from the new drainage, prior to the rain, MCC should have cleaned all the drainage, removed the wastage, so that water could flow smoothly. But looks like that was not done. When the new roads are done neither the NHAI nor PWD officials provide any alternatives/local amenities like proper footpaths/drainage, Pedestrian crossings, over-bridges, Safety Signs, etc. because they think that’s not their job, nor they care about peoples safety.

The deadly medley of uncleaned garbage, cesspools of stagnant water and unbridled flow of liquid waste into stormwater drains is a sure-shot recipe for disaster. Any day. add rains, pathetic drainage infrastructure and watch the City’s dangerous slide into complete chaos…So when vector-borne diseases break out with dramatic regularity, should anyone be surprised? I bet, many areas of Mangaluru haven’t heard of defogging or desilting. Public Health Centres are in poor shape, and even when dozens get sick and a few die of Dengue and Dengue Shock Syndrome, there is no sense of urgency. I

Engineers, contractors and all those who were responsible for the shabby development work should be taken for the task. But that’s not happening, because everyone is hand in hand, with ONLY one thing in mind, as to how to make money- or call it “CORRUPT?”. The blame game should be stopped also. Citizens should regret for electing leaders like these, who don’t care. MLA’s/Leaders boast about development, but what development are they talking about? The only development seen here is the development of ‘Huge Money in their Pockets”. Our Engineers are only good at constructing Mega Circles-you know what I mean? That’s not development- and that’s not smart either, Mangaluru being named as “Smart City”.

Another question we can ask is -What’s the use of implementing such new projects which result in more problems? And if problems are more than doing any good, the so-called developments/infrastructures are nothing but a national waste, waste of time and energy! While undertaking new projects it should be done properly, and not anticipate problems. It is not just a waste of Taxpayers’ money, instead “Pay taxes and invite troubles” kind of thing! |And the funny part is that every monsoon season due to heavy rains, it’s the same spots that get flooded-to name a few, opposite Govt Women College-Jyothi Circle; near KMC-Attavara; near City Centre Mall; KankanadyPumpwell; Bunder, K S Rao Road, among others.

Another problem is that due to building construction works everywhere in the City, there is no proper path for water to flow- and MCC has done nothing to take action against such builders, because here too money counts- or call it “Corruption?” So when builders bribe officials, citizen’s safety issues are neglected. If most of the available land is taken away by builders to build buildings, then roads are the only spaces where water gets stranded and flooded. Also just look at the new drainage in the City- many have a starting point but no proper end- some drainage have openings in the middle, where water flows onto to the streets. Not Smart!

So in conclusion, even as many parts of the city gets reeled under overflowing stormwater during rains, and that monsoon has just started, and still there are few more months of bad rainy weather, chances are that the City may get lashed with more rainwater. But have the concerned authorities rectified the faulty development issues or have they taken any preventive measures in seeing that the City won’t experience the same havoc of flooding it saw on 29 May 2018. Let it not happen again, until then let’s keep our fingers crossed. After all, we live in “SMART CITY” with “NO SMART PEOPLE” to take care of it?

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5 years ago

Absolutely well said…Why are the public too silent..
They have concretised the will the water percolate to the ground..The drains have created a havoc with water stagnation leading to mosquito breeding. Who are these senseless people directing this job…?
Mlore being an educational’s disgusting to such shoddy work.
Time for the public to take some action instead of protesting only during water crisis.
Instead of adopting methods to let the water percolate to recharge by some innovative’s sad to see precious water being stagnated and wasted…