Clean Speech, Dirty Air

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Clean Speech, Dirty Air

The bright red blood once flowed with life
Through veins healthy and clear
Yet clogged now with dirt and waste
Arteries blocked with deadly disease.

The lungs once breathed fresh air so pure
Provided oxygen, life’s lifeline.
Yet covered now with soot and toxins
Coughing and gasping for fresh air

The young cells filled with energy
Long for the rush and the spark
Yet aimlessly they flow in the veins
Behind hollow unfulfilled promises

No road, no way to reach
The dreams they once chased
Twisting and turning and falling
Into the pits of deceit and despair

They walked a pilgrimage, seeking to dip,
In waters that cleanse, that promise salvation.
Yet found only legs—rushing, ruthless—
Trampling, crushing, choking them off breath

Ignoring the filth the white-capped man speaks
Polishing his tongue with mire so pure
And when he talks he spits only venom
Of hatred, of murder and wildfire

And when they scream from inside
The idiot’s box, of vile and foul words
Spewing hatred, jealousy and saying
That the nation wants to know it all

Yet when a podcaster dares a joke, blurting
Some shocking unspeakable words
They join hands—a morality squad,
Forgetting our air is dirtier than his talks.

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