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Colleagues of Dr Norbert Lobo at SAC, Relatives & Friends Pay Tribute on his 1st Death Anniversary

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Colleagues of Dr Norbert Lobo at St Aloysius College, Mangaluru, Relatives & Friends Pay Tribute on his 1st Death Anniversary

Mangaluru: Death is perhaps the biggest an most inevitable truth of life. However, losing a loved one is never easy. Whether you have lost someone dear recently or it has been a year since their passing, it’s very hard to bear the loss. While you are carrying on bravely, you surely miss them and reminisce all those good times that you have spent together. And you probably feel the void more on their death anniversary. While nothing can bring back someone who has passed away, it is possible to remember and honour them on their death anniversary. Quoting Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us, Footprints on the sands of time”,

Expressing your love for the departed soul and sharing fond memories is especially a wonderful way to make their death anniversary special. It was a sad day for the nearly seven thousand plus students, along with staff and non-teaching staff, Jesuit priests who gathered at the Mother Teresa Peace Park at St Aloysius College campus to pay their last respects to one of their beloved Professor Dr NORBERT LOBO, who passed away on 20 October 2022 at the age of 56, due to illness.

Hearing the news of Dr Norbert Lobo’s sudden death, the blow was hard, the shock was severe- I never thought that death would come to him so quickly, because he was quite active, energetic and healthy in May, when I had a chat with him at the ECONOVANZA 2022 programme hosted by Department of Economics, St Aloysius College, and that was the last interaction with him, and the last that I clicked photos of him at that programme. It is well said, “Death is a glad awakening from our troubled existence” What we call life here is nothing but a passing, in a land of captivity. Sadly missed!

Dr Norbert Lobo, was an ardent reader of Mangaloran.com, and a great fan of mine who always appreciated and complimented me on my reports and articles. No doubt he fought a brave and strong battle for a few months but it seems like his illness would not allow him to get better. But Lobo’s illness couldn’t dim his smile. And what a peculiar smile it was! He was a man of humour and always jovial while interacting with whomever he met. Everything good, everything wholesome, everything pure about manhood was found in his unique smile and humour.

Dr Lobo was doubly blessed with his natural personality—inside and out. His illness could do nothing to diminish either. It was his personality that shone through his eyes and smiled every day of his life. His illness couldn’t steal his popularity. To know him was to love him and to root for him. We should all be so lucky to have as many friends as Dr Norbert did. But his death ripped a hole in the lives of everyone who loved him and also left us devastated and heartsick. His sad demise robbed the world of someone who would have done great things—someone who would have made a difference in others.

Dr Norbert Lobo’s beautiful spirit did live on through his wife Anita, a teacher at Milagres PU College, and his two daughters -Anora and Anoma,(both alumni of St Aloysius College) and they knew how much he loved them. He tried with all his heart to stay for them, but God called him, and he had to go. I can judge and say that during his illness, I know that two things might have kept him going, the love and care from his wife and children and hope, to face another day would have been tough, and I know how many days he must have had like that.

Even after his demise a year ago, Dr Norbert Lobo even today is being remembered fondly by his family members, relatives, colleagues and friends, and the house-packed audience assembled at St Sebastian Church, Bendore, Mangaluru for the First death anniversary mass showed that even though while the grief was still fresh in their hearts, on his first death anniversary, they hoped and prayed that Dr Lobo was in a better place now. Although Dr Lobo had left a void in their lives, who missed his love, kindness and wonderful nature, he was still in their hearts and never forgotten.

It’s been one year since we lost Dr Norbert Lobo and his family, relatives, colleagues and friends who wanted to make sure He knew that Dr Lobo was still in their thoughts and their hearts during this time, they paid yet another respect and tribute on His First Death Anniversary, with a Death Anniversary Mass and a get-together to bring back the memories and love shared by them with Dr Lobo. The Mass was concelebrated by Fr Melwin Pinto SJ-Rector, St Aloysius Institutions, Mangaluru; Fr Arun Lobo (nephew of Dr Norbert); Fr Richard Vaz SVD; Fr Anthony Shera- Catholic Board of Education Secretary; Fr Vincent Monteiro-Parish Priest, Bendore Church; Fr ronald serrao- Rector, St Joseph’sRonaldaSerraoppu, Mangaluru; Fr Arun Lobo- Principal, Padua Degree College, Mangaluru Fr Arun D’souza OP and Fr Roshan OP. The Homily was delivered by Fr Vincent Monteiro he highlighted Dr Norbert’s having good qualities, being a Religious Minded Person, a Man of Family Values, Friendly Courteous, and Helpful among other qualities, and insisted that we all follow in Norbert’s footsteps, a life well lived by Him

Expressing her thoughts and gratefulness, Ms Anitha Lobo said, ” A life that touches others goes on forever. Today marks a year of losing our Dear Norbert and I stand before you to express my gratitude to all those who have supported us in our journey . The days felt like an endless tunnel of darkness after losing Norbert, a loss that weighed heavily on our hearts. I thank Jesus for his endless mercies on our family. When the going got tough, it was Providence that intervened. In the darkest hours of my despair. I held onto faith, the beacon that guided me through the abyss. I knew deep in my heart that God was watching over us and Mother Mary interceding for us”

.” It was a comforting thought , one that whispered hope into my darkest moments. My sincere thanks to all the priests who took part in the remembrance mass. There have been so many beautiful people who have stopped to be with us in our brokenness, including my mother, siblings and family members. Finally my dearest Norbert thank you for, loving us, the way only you could . We are proud of you, for not only in life you were loved, but also the impact of your death has left a void that can never be filled. I miss you and I miss me when we were us” she concluded.

In conclusion, in my perspective, “For some moments in life there are no words, today that’s exactly the way we all feel paying tribute to a great man on his first death anniversary. Dr Lobo was so instrumental in the lives of the students at St Aloysius College. His charisma was extremely vivacious and has left a void that cannot be filled. Today we all need to remember and pay obeisance to a man who led by example and keep his memory alive. This poignant moment teaches us that life is transient and we need to make the most of every moment and cherish all those around us. A natural leader and an esteemed and well respected professor, he was touch well-respected in his capacity and the various positions he held. His life was a hallmark of constant learning and achievement which was evident in the academic degrees that he obtained and the various positions he held”

” His dedication and commitment, especially to the students, was noteworthy. A great motivator, he helped shape many lives through career counselling and guidance. An academician, astute leader, mentor, and eloquent teacher are just a few qualities of Dr Norbert Lobo that sum up his personality and traits which were an asset to the institution. His smiling countenance and jovial disposition would definitely bring cheer and light race. In a nutshell, it’s hard to accept the fact that such a personality left us all a year ago. I end this tribute with the following poem written by his dearest daughter ANORA LOBO :


The sudden parting of Dr Norbert Lobo has left a vacuum in the hearts and minds of all who acquainted with him either personally or through his programmes. Dr Norbert Lobo was indeed a man of great scholarship and wisdom, — a person who devoted his life to acquiring unparalleled insights into not only his core domain Economics but also into Education, Policies of Government and more especially the field of Career Counselling. With his exit, we have lost one of the finest thinkers, educational experts, efficient administrators, passionate teachers, and above all a guanine and gentle human being. It is hard to believe that dear Norbert Lobo is no more. How nice it would have been if he returned after a few days as he was returning after his official tours or program.

I know that I am into a very difficult job of writing about my dear friend because whenever I have written an article before, I used to send him my thoughts and my dear friend was there to organise these thoughts, reframe the sentences, apply necessary corrections, redraft and send my back. But today I am writing this for my departed friend, cant even send him this for corrections and redrafting.

My memory goes back to my youth days where all youths of our region usewhensee Norbert Lobo as a youth Icon. Dr Norbert Lobo was then the youth leader and very active in the parish youth movement. I remember seeing him for the denary meets or diocesan conventions and more often for the competitions like quiz, elocution at the denary levequizzes fand ondly remember Nobbi recalling the participation in the diocesan quiz conducted by youth of our parish and he won the prize and has a certificate signed by me, as I was the CYM president then.

I remember the day I came to the St Aloysius College to apply for the post of Lecturer and I saw this well-dressed gentleman in the college staffroom. Even though we did not know each other well, he was so happy and kind to advise me regarding how to come prepared for the interview. I admired how he was guiding the youngsters especially helping them not only to choose the right career but how to be passionately involved in the career which they chose

Soon after joining the college he invited me to stay in the host, el next to his room and there our friendship began. He was a perfectionist, well-disciplined person, dedicated to your task, sincere to the core, this in life, able to remain calm under pressure. I don’t remember a single day he was late to the college and hence I never got an opportunity to walk with him to the college as I used to rush at the last minute. He was a man of wisdom, encyclopaedia of any topic on the earth. Talking to him itself was a rich experience.

Dr Norbert Lobo was my dearest, purest and rarest best friend. He touched my soul and made my life so valuable and joyful. With all the laughter and memories, he added life to our friendship. He was greatly responsible for many major decisions in my life. All the time he insisted on making to right decisions at the right time, whether it was in his personal life, family life or professional life. If at all I have achieved anything in my personal and professional life Dr Norbert lobo has a great share of it.

AfteLobos marriage in 1995, I became a part of their family. Anita treated me as a member of their family and the two lovely adorable kids Anora and Anoma treated me like the younger brother of Norbert. It was a lovely experience when the family of your friend treats you as a younger brother. We Wtreatedt long hours together without many conversations and there I understood the true meaning of friendship. A friend is the one who not only understands your words but also silences them. Many times when I was down, I found in him a shoulder to cry on. I’ve learnt from him to accept criticism and compliments without being emotional. He always stood by me, guided me and so many times solved my problems before I could realize that they were the real problems of mine

Dr Norbert Lobo was a bundle of love and affection. Anytime anyone approaches him he welcomes them with those lovely smiles. He gives complete time to you, listening to you and finally giving you wise advice. I just love how he interacts with the little children. Children just loved him and always enjoyed his company.

Dr Norbert Lobo was a fun-loving person who laughs out loud on silly jokes, laughed at himself, and loved to go on long drives with family and friends. I cherish those nostalgic memories travelling with him for official purposes, educational tours, conferences protest marches of teacher organisations and many times with the family. He used to enjoy every moment of it without any complaints but he was very disciplined concerning the timings of breakfast, lunch and dinner. When Norbert was there we never missed any one of those

Dr Norbert Lobo enjoyed helping others and he took it as a mission of his life. Even when he was really busy, and tired, he made sure that he treated others as though they were precious too. His was a life that shined brightly just so the paths of others could be illuminated, a life that exemplified brilliance in every capacity. You are gone way too soon and I look forward to the day I will see you again. Rest easy my sweet friend. I love you. You fought so well, you inspired so many, you loved so deeply, you lived so loudly, no one that ever knew you, can ever forget you. With a broken heart, I celebrate your life. And finally, I want to say to you dear friend “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart” You will remain in my heart forever.


About the Author :

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Director, International & Domestic Relations
Director, Loyola Centre for Research & Innovation
St ALOYSIUS COLLEGE (Autonomous) Mangaluru

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