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Cong members stopped interview, pushed scribe and took away his phone: US Press Club

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Cong members stopped interview, pushed scribe and took away his phone: US Press Club

New Delhi:  Days after the assault on a journalist in the US during an interview with Indian Overseas Congress (IOC) president Sam Pitroda, the US National Press Club has issued a detailed statement putting on record, the entire manhandling incident that was conveniently pushed under the carpet.

The US Press Club has pointed fingers at the IOC Congress and also Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s staff for the assault on India Today journalist Rohit Sharma in Dallas when he interviewed Sam Pitroda ahead of Congress MP’s visit to the US.

A statement by US Press Club President Emily Wilkins said, “Several members of the IOC were listening to the interview as well as several members of Mr. Gandhi’s advance staff. On the last question, members of the audience objected to the subject of the question and stopped the interview by shouting at Sharma and pushing him while taking his phone.

“The group, which included Gandhi’s staff, deleted files from Sharma’s phone,” it further added.

The Press club also informed that Sharma and Sam Pitroda had met before and conducted similar interviews amicably. This time, however, it went awry as the audience watching the interview erupted. It also said that Sam Pitroda later called up Sharma and apologised for the incident.

Notably, journalist Rohit Sharma was manhandled by Congress workers in Dallas while he quizzed Sam Pitroda about Congress’ silence on the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh.

When he questioned Pitroda, whether Rahul would raise the matter of Bangladesh Hindus during his meeting with US lawmakers, the IOC workers erupted in protest and charged at the reporter. They snatched his mobile and deleted photos and videos. Rohit Sharma later also narrated his ordeal.

Emily Wilkins also said the incident violated the First Amendment rights of Sharma and added that the security men had no role in commotion and disturbance during the interview.

The First Amendment Rights in the US give individuals freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition.


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