Congratulations on Your Wedding Anniversary

We know you want to spend time today
With each other without any interruption
But we will take just two minutes of your time
To make a sweet declaration
We love you for being our parents
And the kind of friends that you have been
Super cool mums and dads like you
We haven’t yet come across or seen
Have an awesome wedding anniversary
Rekindle your love for each other
As we bask away in the pride
Of having the world’s best father and mother
The only few words that come to mind
When we think of total happiness
Is the smiling picture of you both
Free of all sorrow and distress
Thanks for always being our shadow
our best wishes are with you on your anniversary
To have parents like you, we are extremely lucky
Ian Fernandes &
Aaron Fernandes (Dubai)
May you always be each other’s best friend,
May your mutual love continue to be so
May your successful marriage continue to thrive
May love flourish, prosper, bloom and grow
Here’s wishing you rich happiness, Today and all year through!
Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary
Wishes from
Alice Fernandes (Mai)
Felix /Roseline Sequeira (Dubai)
Felcy / Rockey Sequeira, Robin, Ronston and Roydon (Mangalore)
Vincy / Ivy Fernandes and family (Dubai)
Lancy /Sunita Fernandes and family (Kuwait)
Joseph /Flavy and family (Dubai)
Janet / Roney and family (Dubai)
Violet /Joseph Pereira and family (Mangalore)
Maxy /Anita Fernandes and Michel (Mangalore)
Rajesh /Sunita Fernandes and family (Mangalore)
Roshan /Divya and family (Dubai)
Kiran Fernandes / Sushma and Nia (Mangalore)
Dear Ramcy & Sneha,
Wishing you both a very happy wedding anniversary.