Cops Nail Bus Drivers Honking Shrill Horns

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Cops Nail Bus Drivers Honking Shrill Horns

Mangaluru: One thing about our local bus drivers is that they have no shame, even after they have been fined by the traffic cops for using loud horns, they still repeat the same offence. The increasing number of traffic violations has sent the cops on an overdrive as they penalized more than 200 drivers during the busy evening rush hours for honking and using loud horns-thereby raking in big bucks in fines. The traffic cops also slapped fines on conductors for not wearing uniforms, and also drivers for not stopping at the designated bus stops. The cops didn’t heed to any excuses put forth to them by the bus drivers or conductors, instead coolly punched in the license plate numbers on their Blackberry’s and issued them the Rs 100 violation ticket popped out from the hand device.

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Traffic constables along with Traffic circle inspectors checked horn volumes of buses near Light House Hill Road, Kankanady Pumpwell Circle and Kottara Junction in the city. Owners of vehicles found exceeding the permissible sound levels were told to pay fine, and in exceptional cases, their horns were removed. Cops said the larger objective of the drive is to check noise pollution. Speaking to Team Mangalorean, Traffic Circle Inspector – Bunder Police Station, Mohan said, “lately we have been receiving complaints from the educational institutions, hospitals, religious places and citizens about loud honking by the bus drivers. Normally drivers don’t honk at intersections, especially when they see a traffic cop. As a result, we are forced to do surprise checks and stop vehicles, take them to the side of the road, test their horns and then take action. It is a laborious and time-consuming task and so is the new initiative we have launched against these shrill horns used by these buses. We will continue our drive until the bus owners/drivers remove these loud horns.

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Harsh and (sometimes) impractical it may be, but the only way out is to ban horns completely in busy urban areas. The sort of proposed policing is practically impossible. Who decides acceptable tones, loudness levels etc., and how to ensure our ingenious population doesn’t come up with workarounds? When a hundred people are honking away in maddening traffic, it doesn’t serve any purpose anyway as nobody can make out who’s honking at whom. If someone won’t move when he sees you in his SUV, fat chance he will when you honk at him. In today’s crackdown on loud horns, the cops didn’t remove any loud horns instead fined the driver Rs 100 for using it. Each bus found to be using horns with a frequency above 75 decibels were fined. The police inspected the frequency of the horn sounds using a sound level meter.

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While complimenting the traffic cops for a job well done, and urging them to do similar checks every other day, only then we can bring the noise pollution of this shrill down. Already each one is under terrible stress driving and riding and walking in Mangaluru roads. We hear frequent shrill or musical horns mostly from these private buses, and they also use it in silent zones and even midnight. Hearing those horns many have experienced severe heart beats due to sudden high decibel noise exposure. This already creates serious mental and physical disturbance on the human population. So shrill horns should be totally banned and severe fines and punishment to be given to drivers who use them.

Mangaluru Traffic Police awake ….arise! Bring peace to Mangalureans.

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Joe D'Souza
8 years ago

Mr Alfie, when these high decibels horns are illegal, then the Garage Owner should be fined for installing the horns which are illegal. If a man carries an illegal weapon and roams on the street, Police will arrest Him as well as the Person who supplied the weapon. Then why this is not done in this case. One time I spoke about this to DCP and ACP in a meeting. They both said they will look into it but did not say when they will look. Dark Window Shield on cars is illegal on Mangalore Streets but it is installed… Read more »

Richard Thomas
8 years ago

Dear Alfie, Good article on penalizing bus drivers for using shrill horns. However, I believe the Traffic Dept. or the Transport Dept. as they call it in Karnataka, should penalize the owners of these private buses for installing these Shrill Horns despite of their ban. Just issuing a Rs.100.- fine won’t change the attitude of these drivers. The fear of law should be instilled in them in a hard way to truly educate the owners and as well as the drivers. The Traffic Police should not stand at junctions and expect to catch these law defaulters – everybody knows where… Read more »

sujith noronha
8 years ago

Good One… Can u all come near Schools in Bendur morning and afternoon time to check similar ways. we will surely help u to get this reduced

8 years ago

At last the cops have woken up. The buses have made the city, hell with horns honking and over taking making the lives of pedestrians hell. But it should not be one day affair. The police should not come under pressure from lobbies and i pray the citizens wake up and fight against such lobbies.

Leroy Mascarenhas
8 years ago

Wow, Alfie love this report maan! If our cops do this on daily basis we could see a reduction in noise pollution through this loud horns. By the way why do these guys need loud horns anyways? Only if our cops were strict and corrupt free, we wouldn’t have seen all these things happen again and again.

But and Mr Alfie D’Souza you deserve the biggest applaud for highlighting civic issues. Keep doing it!

Joe D'Souza
8 years ago

Mr Sujith, just coming near the schools will not help. They should take action by calling the Traffic Police and Police Control Room Like I do always. Did you ever thought of making a call when those Konaje,Thokkotu,Ullal,Maroli Buses pass by your Apartment blowing their Loud Horns disturbing your peaceful living along with your family. How much disturbance it is, while You read Story Books to your loving Child. So from now on when you hear loud horn and speeding bus,please call 824-222-0800 or call Kadri East Traffic or give the number of that bus to Inspector Mr. Suresh Kumar… Read more »

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

Good job. But the penalty is too low. Just 100 rupaayees? Charge them more and use the money collected to improve our traffic situation. How about clear street lanes? We are in year 2016 and mangaluru streets still don’t have clear lanes marked. What a place!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

“We are in year 2016 and Mangaluru streets still don’t have clear lanes marked. What a place!!” – Rampa

Oh well, Mangalore sure doesn’t have clearly demarcated lanes like Yumreeka does. But then, what the heck! Nobody’s gonna rip a school-going kid off his ONLY pair of shoes like it happend in the land of borrowed money and evaporated milk. Here, take a look ya Rampa.

What a place! 🙂

8 years ago

Dear Alfie,
Why don’t the cops check on the Auto rickshaw, thier honking is worse then thier bite.

8 years ago
Reply to  john

Why don’t the cops check on the auto riskshaw……? – Mr. John

Don’t worry, Mr. John. Our international cop, Yumreeki has been entrusted with this task.

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

Joker Praveena Pinto from ‘Beef Club’ continues to show what a genius he really is!! I commented on lack of basic infrastructure in ‘smaaaaaaart city’ mangalouru where streets don’t even have marked lanes!!! His response???? Well, true to his ‘beef club’ membership, he brings up an isolated incident of robbery from a different country. LOL LOL LOL See, this is the level of geniuses from Beef Club who vote for Congress while aping their foreign masters who are long gone!! Logic is not their cup of tea. Forget about any shred of decency and honesty! All they do is –… Read more »

8 years ago

…blah blah.. blabber blabber… he brings up an isolated incident of robbery from a different country” – Yumreeki RampaNNA Maha Joker’ji, When you have fled to a ‘phoreen’ land, why do you EVEN bother about Mangalore and it’s myriad problems such as lack of demarcated lanes, potholes, gold smuggling at MIA, traffic congestion, ‘dollu-hotte’ police, blah blah? Don’t you have anything better to do than worry (whinge, whine and then speak ill about it is more like it) about a place (your OWN birthplace, darn) some 7,000 + miles away (as the crow flies)? Doesn’t Yumreeka have ANY problems? We… Read more »

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

“Doesn’t Yumreka have ANY problems? ” asks our joker Praveena Pinto.

Sure, it does. Plenty of problems in this country starting from crime to racism. But here is the point you repeatedly fail to understand!! This portal is not about Houston or Atlanta. This portal is about Mangalooru. It’s quite natural that this portal mainly focuses on Mangaluru and India. I comment on the stories/topics published on this portal. Not some random housing crisis in bay area!!! I understand – it’s very hard for you to follow this as it requires a little bit of logical thinking.

8 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

This portal is not about Houston or Atlanta. This portal is about Mangalooru. ….I comment on the stories/topics published on this portal. – Maha Joker RampaNNA Lmao! Is that why you bring in some dope-peddler in college called Billa Mahera and Tareqa Fateha at the drop of a hat and report dutifully what they have to say about the potholes on M’lorean roads? Is that why you bring in PEGIDA when we discuss Daalitove or Puligoddhel? Is that why you mutter RIP Germany when some poor Salvadore D’souzam from Neermarga passes away at the ripe old age of 93 years… Read more »

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

If relentless honking has become a problem for drivers and others, then the best solution would be to remove the horns and replace them with bicycle bells or monkey rattles. If this is not done, the guardians of the law would be very happy, because the offenders would prefer paying “bakseesh” to them, rather than paying hefty fines. You know the police have their domestic obligations, like educating their children in the best institutions, buying jewellery made of gold or platinum and studded with precious stones. Most I.P.S. Officers have farm houses by the time they retire. From where do… Read more »

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

Joker Praveena has officially lost it !!! Is his new job taking a toll on his fragile mind? Otherwise, why would he list imaginary scenarios to accuse me of bringing up unrelated topics when it hasn’t really happened?? Well, his sanity continues to be in question. Take a look at my old posts and one can easily see how I always bring up topics relevant to the report/discussion. Joker Praveena is just another genius from Beef Club – it sums up everything you need to know!!! smiles….

8 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

“Otherwise, why would he list imaginary scenarios to accuse me of bringing up unrelated topics when it hasn’t really happened??” – Maha Joker Hahahahahaha! Ouch! That stung, eh? “….. when it hasn’t really happened”, eh? That reminds me – I have to remind you of something that didn’t happen. Look ya Rampa, from the Quit India Movt. of 1942, YOU have been screaming from rooftops about my allegedly rejected Yumreeki Visa. When asked for one iota of proof, you do the Politician’s Polka (One step forward, two backward and sidestep the whole issue) and to change course to deflect the… Read more »

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

It’s sad to witness more gibberish from a disturbed mind. I don’t think modern medicine can help him either as he has gone way past the point of return sailing into a world of incoherent thoughts and infantile opinions. I never thought that one small incident 20 yrs ago would result in such a mess!! This is another reason why I dream a day when all man-made borders disappear and people get to visit US without having to worry about Visa. Oh well…

8 years ago

“…rant rave.. lah dee dah… why I dream a day when all man-made borders disappear and people get to visit the US without having to worry about Visa. Oh well..” – Yumreeki Presidential candidate from the Bee Jokers Party (BJP) Dream or was it a pipe-dream? Well, after all, weed is legal is some parts of the US, ain’t it? If not, big deal! You can always buy it from the local mom n pop store chap! 😉 If at all your pipe-dream comes true, GREAT news for India. Our RSS chaddi-langa jokers w*t-dreams of Akhanda Bharatha is that much… Read more »

Original R.Pai
8 years ago

More and more delusional stuff from our joker!! Well, this is partly due to ‘dinka-dinka’ culture and partly his own making!! Either way, it is a sad situation for a guy in late 40s to be this disturbed and confused. Oh well, I will continue to do my best to educate him.

8 years ago

Well, this is partly due to his ‘dinka-dinka’ culture… – RampaNNA

Dinka-dinka as shown in the art & sculptures of Khajuraho? Come on ya RampaNNA.. I thought that bit of culture was our only common denominator. Ahem. 🙂