Home Agency News CPI(M) endorses CM Vijayan’s decision of giving Political Secretary Sasi clean chit

CPI(M) endorses CM Vijayan’s decision of giving Political Secretary Sasi clean chit

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CPI(M) endorses CM Vijayan’s decision of giving Political Secretary Sasi clean chit

Thiruvananthapuram:  Four days after Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan gave a clean chit to his Political Secretary P. Sasi, the powerful state secretariat of the CPI(M) which met here on Wednesday endorsed the same.

Incidentally, ever since Left Independent legislator P.V. Anvar slammed the style of functioning of Sasi, both CM Vijayan and the CPI(M) have been upset with Anvar and have expressed their displeasure to him.

Soon after CM Vijayan gave a clean chit to Sasi, Anvar said, “It is the CM’s belief that Sasi is perfect, but I do not have that opinion. My experience is Sasi is not a clean person. Sasi might be getting a portion of the proceeds of the gold smuggling while the police are manipulating the probe. The ongoing Vigilance probe into tree felling in which some police officials are involved is also not in the right direction.”

After the party’s top committee meeting, state secretary Govindan told the media on Wednesday that Anvar should stop what he is doing now as both the party and the government are doing their job.

“Once an issue is raised and assurances are given, it should not be raised again and again as it gives fodder to the media that is opposed to the state government and the party.

“So we wish to tell Anvar not to say the same thing again and again,” said Govindan.

Sasi is a political appointee of the party as he is also a state committee member of the CPI(M) and hails from Kannur, the hometown of both Vijayan and Govindan.

Incidentally, Sasi who was a powerful CPI(M) leader in the party’s bastion at Kannur was kept out of party posts due to a sexual misconduct case, a decade back.

Many in the party were shocked when he was brought into the powerful state committee of the CPI(M) in 2022 and to the post of the Political Secretary to Vijayan.

Incidentally the CPI(M) and Vijayan are unhappy with Anvar as his outbursts come at a time when the grass root level meetings of the party, which will culminate with the 24th Party Congress at Madurai in April 2025, have begun.


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