Home Agency News Dalai Lama returns to Himachal Pradesh after knee surgery, accorded warm welcome

Dalai Lama returns to Himachal Pradesh after knee surgery, accorded warm welcome

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Dalai Lama returns to Himachal Pradesh after knee surgery, accorded warm welcome

Shimla: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama returned to Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday after a successful knee replacement surgery in New York.

Upon his arrival at Kangra Airport, he was warmly welcomed by the Central Tibetan Administration, Tibetan community & Tibet supporters.

A video shared by the Central Tibetan Administration showed devotees dressed in traditional Tibetan robes warmly welcoming the spiritual leader.

Hundreds thronged the streets leading up to the Tsuglagkhang temple to greet His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

During the spiritual leader’s New York visit where he underwent surgery, US Special Coordinator for Tibetan issues, Uzra Zeya, met him to convey President Joe Biden’s wishes.

She discussed the United States’ ongoing efforts to address human rights abuses inside Tibet.

Observers believe the meeting shows a powerful symbol of solidarity and commitment to Tibet’s cause. However, this meeting may spark an angry response from China, which vehemently opposes any external interference in Tibetan affairs.

Zeya welcomed the Dalai Lama’s lifelong dedication to promoting nonviolence and compassion. The Under Secretary also took the opportunity “to discuss with His Holiness Tibetan cultural preservation, the United States’ ongoing efforts to address human rights abuses inside Tibet, and support for resuming dialogue between the PRC and His Holiness and his representatives”.

The elderly Buddhist monk reached New York on Tuesday after completing a six-week recovery period at the Nappi Farmhouse in Syracuse following successful knee replacement surgery on June 28.

David Mayman, MD, Chief of the Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, said the Dalai Lama is expected to continue improving over the next six to 12 months.

On Thursday, members of the Tibetan Community of North America offered a prayer for the Dalai Lama’s long life at the UBS Arena in New York City.

During a brief stopover in Zurich, Switzerland, the Tibetan community offered another long-life prayer at the Hallenstadion on August 25.

The Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet in March 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule, believes in a “middle-way” approach, meaning greater autonomy for Tibet rather than outright independence.

The 89-year-old Tibetan monk lives in exile in McLeodganj, a small and quaint hill station in the suburbs Dharamsala.


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