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Demand Govt for High-level Inquiry for any Doubt in Fr Mahesh’s Death case – SP Nisha James

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Demand Govt for High-level Inquiry for any Doubt in Fr Mahesh’s Death case – SP Nisha James

Udupi: “If anyone has any doubt in the investigation process in the death case of Fr Mahesh D’Souza, they can appeal to the government for higher-level inquiry”, said Nisha James superintendent of Police Udupi district.

S P Nisha James visited the protest spot at Shirva Church and addressed the protesters and said, “No one has filed a complaint that Fr Mahesh’s death was suspicious. The family members of Fr Mahesh have also not blamed anyone in this suicide case and have also requested the department not to continue the case.  But the department is investigating the case and at the moment cannot reveal the details. Since the case is under investigation people should co-operate with the department”.

Nisha James further said, “We have seized two mobile phones belonging to Fr Mahesh D’Souza and have sent them to the FSL department and are now waiting for the report. In the post mortem primary report it is stated that Fr Mahesh committed suicide. We have also sent the body samples to FSL and it will take 2 months for the final report. While Fr Mahesh committed suicide the School CC TV cameras were switched off but the priests’ house CC TV cameras were on and Fr Mahesh taking a rope from the room has been recorded”.

Nisha also said, “If anyone has any doubt on the death of Fr Mahesh, they should file a complaint in the local police station and we will take action on that. We are not hiding anything in the death case of Fr Mahesh. She also requested the protesters to co-operate to maintain law and order in the church premises”.

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