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Discovery of Ancient Brahmi Inscription in Goa Unveils New Dynasty

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Discovery of Ancient Brahmi Inscription in Goa Unveils New Dynasty

In a recent archaeological exploration, a Brahmi inscription engraved on a pillar was discovered in the village of Paryem on the premises of Bhumika temple at Sattari, North Goa, according to Prof. Murugeshi T., Associate Professor (Retired) in Ancient History and Archaeology at MSRS College, Shirva.

In his press release, Prof. Murugeshi revealed that the inscription, written in Sanskrit and Brahmi script, dates back to the 4th or 5th century C.E. and consists of two lines.

Interestingly, this inscription was first noticed in 1993 by the then Chief Minister of Goa, Mr Rane. Thanks to Dr P.P. Shirodkar’s efforts to decipher the text, a small note was published in the Nave Parva magazine of Goa. However, due to unscientific copying, there were potential misinterpretations of the text.

The recent reading of the inscription has shed light on a previously unknown dynasty that ruled Goa. The inscription mentions a Haihaya king named Dharma Yajno, who performed a sacrifice with his army. The Haihayas, an ancient group of five clans referred to in the Puranas, included the Vitihotra, Sharyata, Bhoja, Avanti, and Tundikera clans.

Text of the Inscription:

Dhamlyajunoo hai ha: i
Gamanadha (va)la mahi(ma) Dhalena ta(dha)ri panchamaha.

Historical Significance:

This inscription is the earliest discovered in Goa to date. The name Haihaya was previously unknown in Goan history, although the Bhojas were recognized as a clan among the Haihayas. The inscription reveals the name of the first Haihaya king. The inscribed pillar could be the Yupasthambha. The Brahmi inscription is also useful in understanding the antiquity of the Bhumika temple and the Hindu architectural growth in Goa.

Prof. Murugeshi expressed his gratitude to Dr Munirathnam Reddy, Director of Epigraphy at the Archaeological Survey of India, for providing a fresh reading of the inscription. He also thanked his Goan exploration team, including Dr Rajendra Kerkar, Amey Kinjawdekar, Chandrakanth Aukhle, and Vithoba Gawade, for their contributions.

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