Drinking water crisis hits Taj city

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Drinking water crisis hits Taj city
Agra: Three days in a row, people in the Taj city were facing an acute drinking water crisis, raising tempers all around.

The municipal water supply network crashed to a halt on Friday after the main pipeline from the Sikandra water works, leaked at the Madia Katra crossing. As round the clock repair began, officials of the Jal Sansthan suspended supply from the Jeoni Mandi Water Works to half the city. The total suspension of supply from all the three water works led to utter confusion and protests in different colonies and ‘mohallas’ of the city.

“You can see long queues of residents with buckets in hands all over. The affluents of course have their own arrangements, but the ordinary folks are facing a huge problem,” complained a local corporator.

Mayor Navin Jain Sunday evening assured people that work was in progress and supply would be resumed Monday morning. However, people were still waiting for the supply to commence.

“The 750 mm main pipeline, which was 70 years old, had leaked. The corporation is spending Rs 8.5 lakh on the repairs,” Jain said.

Agra’s water needs are placed at 350 mld, the three water works together manage to supply around 250 mld, the rest is taken care of by borings and submersible pumps.

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